NFA-Entropy NN (tarafından forexinvestment)
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NFA-Entropy NN Tartışma
Apr 28, 2012 zamanından beri üye
219 iletiler
Oct 01, 2012 at 20:19
Apr 28, 2012 zamanından beri üye
219 iletiler
Are these results derived from trading Craig's Stoltz's Entropy EA?
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Apr 13, 2010 zamanından beri üye
1 iletiler
Oct 02, 2012 at 04:20
Apr 13, 2010 zamanından beri üye
1 iletiler
Sorry, it is not. Entropy is a well known concept in time series analysis, do some Google on "econophysics trading", it was mainly used in Physics but used more now in algo trading. I use an entropy indicator I developped in Matlab together with some neural nets. On multiple time frames I predict if next bar will be higher or lower.
Sorry, it is not. Entropy is a well known concept in time series analysis, do some Google on "econophysics trading", it was mainly used in Physics but used more now in algo trading. I use an entropy indicator I developped in Matlab together with some neural nets. On multiple time frames I predict if next bar will be higher or lower.
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