Lycurgus Investments (tarafından rsf1)

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Lycurgus Investments Tartışma

Mar 04, 2014 at 20:03
336 Görüntüleme
1 Replies
Jul 03, 2011 zamanından beri üye   39 iletiler
Mar 05, 2014 at 19:33
Good Afternoon

A quick introduction to the trading system

This system has been developed over 5 years and looks for reversal points in the market which are usually market stop hunts.

2:1 risk reward
2% risk in the market
max draw down is 20%
1-5 trades per week

All information is public and is a £20,000 real account

Charts will be posted here and in the Experienced Traders area under Trade Setups to illustrate the strategy and from time to time I will be posting high probablilty trades prior to execution when they occur.

I do offer A Forex Managed Account service and information for this can be found at

Please fell free to ask any questions.
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Jul 03, 2011 zamanından beri üye   39 iletiler
Mar 06, 2014 at 07:49
charts of last weeks trade.

The market punches down below the weeks low picking up pending orders. Enter in the opposite direction

Bounces to the moving av. Time to close the trade on a friday evening.

The market is then run at the start of the next week in the opposite direction to the prevous friday.

I was looking for an entry on tues long below the current lows but the market ran north after a triple bottom. Notice how the market ever so slightly dips below the lows on the 3rd hit before running north.

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