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FXPIPS (tarafından psignals)
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FXPIPS Tartışma
Oct 28, 2011 zamanından beri üye
8 iletiler
Dec 01, 2011 at 07:41
Oct 28, 2011 zamanından beri üye
8 iletiler
Hi. I'm new to Myfxbook. After losing initially, I stopped trading live. Been practicing for almost two years. Once in a wihile I would open a real account with minimum funds just to lose once again. For the past four months I've been in the profit groove.
About 45 days now trading my new real account and still in good profit. It's a PAMM account with InstaForex.
About 45 days now trading my new real account and still in good profit. It's a PAMM account with InstaForex.
Apr 04, 2011 zamanından beri üye
66 iletiler
Dec 15, 2011 at 16:20
Apr 04, 2011 zamanından beri üye
66 iletiler
cablerun, indorun or some similar grid trader surely. Or else a manuyal grid system using same lot sizer, basket of orders closed when reaches profit.
Jul 30, 2011 zamanından beri üye
71 iletiler
Dec 15, 2011 at 16:44
Jul 30, 2011 zamanından beri üye
71 iletiler
Also, trading around the clock, when do you sleep psignals? :) It's fine if you're using an EA, but my feedback would be that it is nicer to potential customers to know that it's an EA that's doing the trading. Perhaps even nicer if they'd know which, but then what's to stop them from just buying the EA for themselves...so I'd understand not outting that :)
Riding waves always leads to a fall
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İpucu: Bu tartışmaya katılan bir kullanıcı adını otomatik olarak tamamlamak için @ işaretini yazın.