FX Rogue Wave Manual Breakout (tarafından forex_trader_20011)
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FX Rogue Wave Manual Breakout Tartışma

Oct 08, 2010 zamanından beri üye
407 iletiler
May 22, 2014 at 06:43
Oct 08, 2010 zamanından beri üye
407 iletiler
The premise of the EA is when placed on a chart, it will establish Entry and exit points based on the Highs AND lows of an established number of candles in the past. These entry points will lock in place until the EA is reset or certain conditions are met.
One order will be placed on chart if an entry line is crossed, LONG order for top entry point being crossed or SHORT order if lower entry point is crossed. Stop loss will be just before the opposing entry point or value in pips as set in the user defined variables (whichever is less).
If an order closes in loss, the EA will wait until there is a breach of the same or opposing entry point, in which a new order will be opened at the same or higher lot size based on order value sequence below. Series will repeat until last order in sequence closes in loss, EA is removed from chart, or losses recovered.
One order will be placed on chart if an entry line is crossed, LONG order for top entry point being crossed or SHORT order if lower entry point is crossed. Stop loss will be just before the opposing entry point or value in pips as set in the user defined variables (whichever is less).
If an order closes in loss, the EA will wait until there is a breach of the same or opposing entry point, in which a new order will be opened at the same or higher lot size based on order value sequence below. Series will repeat until last order in sequence closes in loss, EA is removed from chart, or losses recovered.
Dec 15, 2010 zamanından beri üye
784 iletiler
May 27, 2014 at 06:07
Dec 15, 2010 zamanından beri üye
784 iletiler
hows it running?
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