Contest - printer (tarafından printer)

Kazanma : +27.48%
Düşüş 96.54%
Pipler: 160.0
Tradeler 25
Tür: Demo
Kaldıraç: 1:100
Trading: Bilinmeyen

Contest - printer Tartışma

Nov 30, 2013 at 08:31
635 Görüntüleme
1 Replies
Oct 18, 2011 zamanından beri üye   55 iletiler
Dec 11, 2013 at 17:06
How can gold be so predictable? I see lots of traders do well in gold. Do you watch the USD Index and do a correlation?
Plan your trade, trade your plan
Nov 11, 2013 zamanından beri üye   2 iletiler
Dec 13, 2013 at 11:15
I just try to follow the price action. I find that it trends well, has good volatility and all of it is beautiful IF you are on the right side of it. The rest is just timing. Sounds simple but far from easy...
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