Contest - horse1bun (tarafından horse1bun)

Kazanma : -85.28%
Düşüş 88.35%
Pipler: -143.8
Tradeler 95
Tür: Demo
Kaldıraç: 1:500
Trading: Bilinmeyen

Contest - horse1bun Tartışma

Feb 27, 2011 at 05:41
889 Görüntüleme
3 Replies
Jul 23, 2010 zamanından beri üye   70 iletiler
Mar 09, 2011 at 19:14
is it just me, or has anyone else experienced glitches/freezing of fxopen client?
go with the flow; just be on the right end of the wave
Jul 23, 2010 zamanından beri üye   70 iletiler
Mar 09, 2011 at 19:16
low liquidity on demo...
or what?
go with the flow; just be on the right end of the wave
Jul 23, 2010 zamanından beri üye   70 iletiler
Mar 10, 2011 at 03:48
I seem to have a knack for buying euros on a signal, over leveraged, and then watching it shoot down 100 pips past where I should have set a stop loss!
go with the flow; just be on the right end of the wave
Jul 23, 2010 zamanından beri üye   70 iletiler
Mar 13, 2011 at 17:10
SLow and STeady earnings seems to be preferable to quick and painful equity suicide
go with the flow; just be on the right end of the wave
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