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- Behemoth EURUSD 5% risk
Behemoth EURUSD 5% risk (tarafından stevetrade)
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Behemoth EURUSD 5% risk Tartışma
Oct 28, 2009 zamanından beri üye
1435 iletiler
Jun 25, 2010 at 07:36
Oct 28, 2009 zamanından beri üye
1435 iletiler
This is Behemoth compounded with 5% risk.
Well, I say 5% risk. The lots maxed out in 2005 and from then on it is fixed lot sizes of 99,999 lots.
Yes, I realise that this is a preposterous lot size but there is really no other way to try and see what the compounding result is.
I realise that the modelling quality - which is caused by using fixed range bars - means that the strategy will only prove itself in live trading and I have already put it live.
Well, I say 5% risk. The lots maxed out in 2005 and from then on it is fixed lot sizes of 99,999 lots.
Yes, I realise that this is a preposterous lot size but there is really no other way to try and see what the compounding result is.
I realise that the modelling quality - which is caused by using fixed range bars - means that the strategy will only prove itself in live trading and I have already put it live.
11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
May 31, 2010 zamanından beri üye
4 iletiler
Jun 25, 2010 at 09:57
May 31, 2010 zamanından beri üye
4 iletiler
Hi Steve
Sounds like you have become an overnight genius, thats if you werent already lol....
how is the live trading going? or is it too early?
Steve do you think it is actually possible a broker would let you use an EA that performs that well in the backtest?
Anyway, i wish all the success in all the EA you have done, you have certainly motivated me to better myself with forex.
Sounds like you have become an overnight genius, thats if you werent already lol....
how is the live trading going? or is it too early?
Steve do you think it is actually possible a broker would let you use an EA that performs that well in the backtest?
Anyway, i wish all the success in all the EA you have done, you have certainly motivated me to better myself with forex.
Oct 28, 2009 zamanından beri üye
1435 iletiler
Jun 25, 2010 at 10:01
Oct 28, 2009 zamanından beri üye
1435 iletiler
Thanks for the comments spunkyone!
It hasn't traded yet, it doesn't trade very frequently so it's too early to tell.
I'm busy working out the correct settings to trade other pairs and also working on making it more accurate.
I'd like to see this one forward trading for at least three months before I'll pass judgement on it.
I will be trading it on an ECN broker, they don't care how well your EA performs.
It hasn't traded yet, it doesn't trade very frequently so it's too early to tell.
I'm busy working out the correct settings to trade other pairs and also working on making it more accurate.
I'd like to see this one forward trading for at least three months before I'll pass judgement on it.
I will be trading it on an ECN broker, they don't care how well your EA performs.
11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
Mar 23, 2010 zamanından beri üye
2 iletiler
Jun 25, 2010 at 10:47
(Jun 25, 2010 at 10:47 düzenlendi)
Mar 23, 2010 zamanından beri üye
2 iletiler
I must say, you made another 'the best EA I've ever seen' for the same person.😂
Question: If you ran PinPoint Wizard EUR/CHF for 10 years backtest. What will it be?
Question: If you ran PinPoint Wizard EUR/CHF for 10 years backtest. What will it be?
Oct 28, 2009 zamanından beri üye
1435 iletiler
Jun 25, 2010 at 11:01
Oct 28, 2009 zamanından beri üye
1435 iletiler
Thanks for the comment.
That's a good question!
However, until I can resolve the spread issues on PinPoint Wizard then I think this is a more robust trading strategy as it is less spread dependent and trades 24 hours per day.
I am currently forward testing PinPoint Wizard and it is currently slightly up.
That's a good question!
However, until I can resolve the spread issues on PinPoint Wizard then I think this is a more robust trading strategy as it is less spread dependent and trades 24 hours per day.
I am currently forward testing PinPoint Wizard and it is currently slightly up.
11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
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