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Arbatov System
Obchodné systémy
Sep 02, 2010 at 07:58
If somebody claims to have a flock of flying dragons in his home, it isn't for me to disprove he doesn't have them. The person making the claim must provide a way for such claim to be falsified.
Arbatov System
Obchodné systémy
Sep 02, 2010 at 07:43
Very good observation. I flagged an account for this very reason claiming 1000% gain. It was one of his subaccounts he uploaded. The onus is on then to make certain a person isn't uploading 100 Oanda sub accounts. Oanda also needs to spell this out or people could make false representations of their trading ability. As a rule anything claiming over 200% gain is fraud. Look for the following:1) $100 initial deposit. One could have 100 accounts each with $1002) Brokers like Instaforex, banana forex and cloud-coo-coo land forex based in Russia or backwardsGhanistan.3) Careful wit...
Arbatov System
Obchodné systémy
Sep 02, 2010 at 07:40
Look up Popper and Falsification on Wikipedia and Google. I don't have to prove or disprove anything. If somebody claims he can fly like Harry Potter and only give me a video of him flying it won't be evidence. He needs to show us in person. It is upto FXDD , FXCM and Instaforex to prove their claims. Nothing can be proven or disproven since they control their servers, no audit by NFA, no exchange fees just they says so which doesn't make it so. has another trading contest with the winner coming in at nr.1 with $93000. Why would anybody...
Arbatov System
Obchodné systémy
Sep 02, 2010 at 07:20
Indeed you could have made money lets say on broker statement 1 out of 100 from bananaforex, instaforex and cloud-coo-coo land forex. If you really can trade then show us your ,mbtrading or pFfgbest Futures real-time trades , it can't be removed and one can't open up 200 aliases as easily with a market making bucketshop fabricating their own trading statements.
Arbatov System
Obchodné systémy
Sep 02, 2010 at 06:57
It all depends on your broker. Oanda won't fabricate results they don't even advertise. Ducascopy , MBtrading and PFGbest should be legit. But not instaforex, bananaforex. Instaforex is not a legit broker but a bucketshop fabricating results. FXDD fabricated a contest, FXCM another one. They are market makers nothing can proven or disproven , no audit trail nothing.
Arbatov System
Obchodné systémy
Sep 02, 2010 at 05:37
Why is his broker then marked as private? Indeed the thread is very long, if the broker is private one usually assumes it some cracked copy of MT4 server edition somewhere in Russian basement. Don't forget that even Alpari at one time uploaded fake statements with 220 out of 223 winners, which is impossible. FDXX for example "won" their own competition at the very end with 5 winning trades in a row for 1000% which is impossible. They edited their servers . The motive for this is easy to see, myfxbook has lots of views, it generates free advertisement to the detriment of myfxbook....
Arbatov System
Obchodné systémy
Sep 01, 2010 at 10:14
You of all people should realize that his broker is private meaning it is a fabricated account by the broker themselves fronting here as a trader.
Arbatov System
Obchodné systémy
Sep 01, 2010 at 10:12
Systems is a scam , his broker is private. It is a BackwardsGhanistan broker somewhere in Bulgaria with a hacked copy of MT4 server edition. The trades are edited on an Excel spread sheet, it is a fabrication. Any PAMM account will be with this broker fronting here as a trader, you will lose your money which the broker will keep.
Asset Management 4u Nr1
Obchodné systémy
Aug 31, 2010 at 12:13
In other words you have say 20 live real accounts and is only telling us about this one account that made money? This is a recurring problem in determining trading advice: Out of 1000 live account there will always be a few making money. Only way to resolve this problem is to create a profile on (my username is stephanusR) and post live real-time trades which can't be removed or doctored after the event. Thus you only have one chance to demonstrate your skill, which is why very few post their live trades.
DFI Matrix EA
Obchodné systémy
Aug 12, 2010 at 11:42
Deltafins you and fxm financial service aren't perhaps the same people? Or maybe fxm allows you to "jiggle" their MT4 server a bit so that they can get free advertisement on myfxbook with your bogus 500% gain .... as well as a kick back on all sales...This account mustn't be shut down but flagged as fraud , some way of showing bogus accounts etc.
Obchodné systémy
Aug 08, 2010 at 20:01
I could tell you exactly what does work, but do you promise to pay my bills?
Asset Management 4u Nr1
Obchodné systémy
Aug 03, 2010 at 15:08
What doesn't make sense is your broker FXDD that is being used to trade standard lots: They are a bucket shop. I wouldn't place anything more than $1000 with a bucket shop for safety reasons. Why aren't you trading futures via mbtrading? I think this account is a "honeypot" , it is a trading hallucination seeded by a gremlin that got hold of FXDD's servers. Same thing happened with their "competition" where near the end somebody made 5 winning trades in a row for 1000% which the laws of probability tell us is impossible. You made 5 winning trades and the ac...
Filter by brokers
Box s návrhmi
Jul 27, 2010 at 07:25
Implement a button to filter by specific brokers like Alpari, Mbtrading, Fxpro, FXCM. These are reputable brokers who usually don't edit their servers to upload fake statements. Nobody is interested in a broker based in Moscow. If broker is private then the system isn't public.
Obchodné systémy
Jul 26, 2010 at 18:36
You have shorts on the euro at 1.19 . The euro will probably never go back to 1.19 . You have lost over 95% of your equity using a RSI system, which demonstrates what Paulos and other have said, that most traders usage of technical analysis about 99% doesn't work. In my view technicals do work, but only about 0.00001% of active forex traders know what precisely these indicators are. (Nothing to do with stochastics, rsi, fib, gann or elliot)
Obchodné systémy
Jul 26, 2010 at 15:10
That's wonderful, would mind telling us through which broker this will happen? Your broker is still marked private thus we don't know whether you have a cracked copy of MT4 server edition, editing your own account and uploading fiction to myfxbook.
Obchodné systémy
Jul 26, 2010 at 10:28
I posted about your type of situation elsewhere. A trader sets up hundreds of fake real accounts or even genuine real accounts seeding them with $100, but then only reports on that one out of 100 accounts that made money. Since he takes 30% cut of a winning account, he can't lose. Even is in on a similar scam where they list say 100 hedge funds, which is actually managed by the same individual. With cloud servers and the Internet one can generate profits by running many types of EA, out of 100 there will always be one fund making money. Thus investors run from ...
Obchodné systémy
Jul 23, 2010 at 09:06
Another trader touting his wares is Timmothy Sikes. He specializes in shorting penny stocks. Since penny stocks can have significant movement on high volume trades, due to low market cap, it is possible for Sikes to engage in frontrunning his toutes.He first shorts and then afterward tells his subscribers to short , covering his own short when the equity tanks. This is why he never posts all his separate 100 brokerage accounts because it will show how his biggest asset is the clients driving down the penny stocks after he shorted. He also to ruined a hedge fund he managed. His tricks won...
Obchodné systémy
Jul 23, 2010 at 07:19 , deposit was 3651, equity at 3947 = 8% return on capital. There is not a single EA out there that works, has demonstrated this. Every single peddler of EA's has tried to hawk his goods here and all were caught out. Nobody should invest any money with somebody who trades via an EA, this is the first sign the PAMM manager doesn't know what he is doing. EA's are great for setting up 1000 fronting company PAMM systems, generating 500% on five of them , taking 30% commission , but the other 995 lose their money...
Obchodné systémy
Jul 23, 2010 at 07:12
Correct your account isn't fake because you shorted and just hanged in there for the ride. But accounts that make 10pip profits and post 400% are in 99% of cases fake due the market following a random walk. 99% of traders don't know what patterns to look for in a counter trend and will lose their equity over a six month period. I wish you best of luck in trading!
Obchodné systémy
Jul 22, 2010 at 20:39
Fascinating how basically shows that virtually nobody makes money in forex over the long run. Every single account showing gains over 50% on closer inspection is either1) The broker themselves cooking the server a bit to generate free advertisement, usually your Russian brokers with "Boris" his wife "Doris" and brother "Boomer" posting in broken English. 2) Real $100 deposit accounts all by the same sock puppet spread over 100 accounts running an EA aligned with the Saros solar cycle. In the casino , out of a hundred slot machines each with a paw-paw...
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