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StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:15
"show me your mythical results. "And great quote! I feel quite beaten down at the moment. You're like the Rocky Balboa of idiots.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:14
Spoken like a man who doesn't have one. So, please post this mythical live account of yours. I'm dying to see it. Just like everyone else who posts nonsense in this thread I will tell you this:Post your results so we can compare or, forever be relegated to the 'another guy talking smack' crowd who isn't able to provide a shred of evidence. My evidence is all out there for you to pick apart and criticize, but the results keep coming forward. You have 2 demo accounts and a lot of backtests.Any further comments from you will be met with the response of "show me your resul...
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:08
I see your point in one instance. In the event of a stoploss, the system would print [sl] right? and in the event of a takeprofit the EA would print [tp], right?Statarb Pro manages the trades based on a floating profit or loss. 9e.g. if OrderProfit() <= RiskPerArb() || TotalRisk() the trade or all trades are closed. There are no hard stops or takeprofits. Therefore, your argument in the case of this system is invalid. The answer is still no.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 15:38
All that said, you have not explained WHY you want to see them so badly and what benefit that will give? Because you want to see them is not reason enough for me to divulge personal information for the world to see. Post your bank account numbers here. No? Well then me either!I'm pretty sure what is going on here is you're the quintessential backtester / demo trader, and have no idea what a live account looks like and how a lot of MT4 brokerages operate in terms of placing identifiable information in deposits and withdrawals. They don't do it to be malicious. They do it for account...
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 15:33
Seriously? Your brokerage doesn't show the account # to which you made a withdrawal to? Like right there where the arrows are? Have you ever made a withdrawal? in my reasons is not a prerequisite for them being true. Case in point: you don't have to believe in gravity either, but step off the top of a building and it'll introduce itself.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 15:13
It's Sunday morning and I'm relaxing on my balcony having some coffee, laptop in my lap, catching up on some support emails, so forgive me if I'm not as speedy as you require in responding to your posts. Regarding your question. I know you've asked that my live account have the comments unlocked. The answer is now and will always be, no. Not that I have to justify it to anyone, but the deposits and withdrawals from the account have personal information in the comments, like bank account #s'. If I unlock the order comments, those will be viewable by everyone on myfxbook. I w...
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 14:07
The reason I entered the retail 'scam jungle' as you called it, is because I believe it or not, genuinely care. How many other EA sellers put up their own name and face on their site? I'm proud to be associated with this product. And as far as the rest? I'll never quit trading for institutions. It seems that no one can believe that anyone would do anything for any other reason but to scam someone. This is just bizarre to me.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 13:38
Seriously? I'm convinced that people just don't pay attention or post here just with the intention of starting trouble. Stevewalker, you yourself posted this screenshot a few pages ago which if you look down a bit it clearly shows both 21,000+ pips and a 53% gain.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 03:55
And with this, I'll leave it as I really do find arguing over the internet silly and a bit pointless. Here are 2 successful arbs closed out this week. Pay attention to the first arb pair. The EURDKK GBPCAD registered as a good opportunity and you can see that a) it was successful and b) that there is no cross rate or synthetic pair to trade in this instance.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 03:31
I would ask you to never come back to this thread :) but do pop in in a month, 6 months, or a year and really.. no hard feelings, but at if any point you're a convert and can see that what I'm doing is actually of value, stop in and say hello. I get that a lot of folks get sold on marketing rather than performance. I get your skepticism, but I stand by my claim. The performance has been there, is there now and will be there well into the future. Again, all the best.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 02:20
Let me see? You cannot do Statistical Arbitrage with forex pairs? That's what you're saying? Because I've kind of made a career out of it. What is statistical arbitrage if not the comparison of two or more timeseries (or in this case price series) with high correlation or cointergration and high covariance and trading them long and short after they have breached a level that is beyond statistical norms? I could arb coconuts and the Q's provided the timeseries passed muster and I could normalize the positions for deposit currency. A PAIR of price series is what's needed. Doe...
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 01:15
Posts like this are born of ignorance. You're the typical guy with a million posts who obviously knows it all. You're obviously frustrated as well and I feel for you. I was in your shoes many years ago. This isn't an easy market to trade. Almost every post of yours on Myfxbook is inflammatory and derogatory. You talk down to everyone like you're the chosen one. I wouldn't expect a post in this thread to be any different I suppose, but your signature says "show me your pips" so I feel obligated to show you about 21 THOUSAND doing what you say can't be done or I...
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 25, 2012 at 21:14
Since so many people asked for this we put up a page just with brokers and their minimum position sizes: note: This is not an endorsement of any brokerage. This list is for information only and if you select a brokerage from the list, the due diligence requirements are your responsibility.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 24, 2012 at 22:44
We only track pairs that are historically 80% or greater in profitability, but in practice it's more like 70%. And yes, I can, without a doubt, that it's easy to set up and if you adhere to the money management parameters, that you'll be profitable. That said, this isn't a get rich overnight kind of EA. This is definitely a get rich over years EA.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 24, 2012 at 13:15
It's all at
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 24, 2012 at 13:15
How do you trade then? I mean what is trading if not finding an exploitable, repeating pattern and trading it? Saying that pairs never act like they did in the past would assume that the random walk theory is the way of the markets. It would negate every form of technical analysis. Trendlines, Support and Resistance levels, and every trend following method would not work. Even fundamentals wouldn't play into a position traders methodology is price never reacted like it did in the past with any degree of accuracy. I suppose what I'm saying is if there are no repeating patterns in the ma...
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 24, 2012 at 13:09
For the first month the EA will be sold @ $297. You will own it. All of the order logic resides within the EA. The only thing that is not a part of the EA is the actual picking algorithm which is hosted in a private cloud pushed by 7 HP Proliant servers. Simply put the average PC doesn't have the computing power to run the picking algorithm. The algo picks the arbs and the EA then begins to watch them for entries and exits based on your settings and the pairs available at your brokerage. Everything from entry to exit happens on your computer. The minimum leverage necessary is 50:1, but the...
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 24, 2012 at 03:11
People do succeed at this. The first step to success to trading or in anything in life is first believing that it is possible.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 24, 2012 at 03:10
I do trade this for myself. I trade this for family. I also trade it for multiple institutions. And to think that 1000 or even 10,000 retail FX traders could skew the market is nonsense. First the market is decentralized. Secondly the liquidity is vast. Central banks haven't been able to corner the market for long. Lastly most brokers run a B Book. That liquidity is infinite as the broker is taking on the risk. But even if we were all trading at the same times, the average position size taken by a retail trader wouldn't make a pip's difference even if we all took the same trades. B...
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodné systémy
Aug 23, 2012 at 20:25
I appreciate the vote of confidence. I thought I was doing something good here by releasing a system that actually made money over the long term and immediately I was attacked from all angles. Some don't understand what this does, but I believe a lot of it is, and you said it, that the marketplace is rife with folks with less than honorable intentions.
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