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Príspevky od forex_trader_565984
Making 15 to 20% profit every month !!!
Noví obchodníci
Aug 13, 2019 at 10:22
You can keep monitoring this account while it grows and also, keep a track of my profile where I might add few more accounts. I don't care about 15% per month and my targets are much higher and hence, risk taken is also higher.But if you are expecting a guaranteed 15% per month and each and every month, then that is not possible at least for me, because nothing is guaranteed in this world especially in forex, but definitely possibility is there.
QFX Signals_50% Monthly
Obchodné systémy
Aug 13, 2019 at 07:24
Please stop advising a system owner which is harmful and which is not.For a system owner and developer, copying his trading system by someone is much more harmful than copying his trades. In forex, no one will pay for something which doesn't make profit for them, because forex trading is not a "car" or "mobile" industry to sell and make profit. Only if people will make profit out of a signal, then a small monthly fee they pay out of that, but actually it is the system which makes the profit for them. So you are completely wrong by saying "You do get paid from peopl...
Forex Courses
Noví obchodníci
Aug 13, 2019 at 07:03
There are many free courses available in internet. So I guess free knowledge is abundant in internet in any subject if you know how to search for it.But help from an experienced trader who is already consistently profitable in forex is definitely needed in order to build confidence and fast forward the learning process. I welcome anyone to my system discussion thread if someone wants learn about forex trading in general. I can't explain the details about my own system since that is my own intellectual property which I developed after years of work, but I may provide some common tips which...
Are you an expert when you win, a beginner if you lose?
Aug 13, 2019 at 06:53
Whether it is forex or any other business, success or money or profits only matters now a days. Irrespective of how much experience you have and how much knowledge you have in forex or any other business if you are not successful and if you don't make consistent profit, then it doesn't matter much.Now a days in the era of computers and technologies, 100% automated algos will automatically take over all such knowledge and years of experience in a matter of days and forex trading field will be the first area to dominate. So only if you are successful and make consistent profit in forex w...
Psychology of Forex Trading
Aug 12, 2019 at 16:45
The best practice to successfully and easily trade forex is to keep your trading system as simple as possible and use predetermined or preset entry exit plans before trade entry so that you don't have to interfere with trades once the trades are open.You can plan as much as your want before trade entry, but NOT once the trades are open. Just leave the trades and let them hit your profit target or stoploss. This kind of approach will fast forward the learning process in forex trading by avoid mistakes due to emotions.But every few hours if you look into the charts and the open trades and ad...
Making 15 to 20% profit every month !!!
Noví obchodníci
Aug 12, 2019 at 16:38
Well, 15% to 20% per month is very much possible and I can say very easy to achieve if you know what you are doing and with sufficient risk exposure of the account balance, but it may not be a guaranteed return each and every month since using higher risk means big loss is inevitable at some point in time in future.But if you give up your algo or decrease the risk after first big loss guessing that such returns are not possible, then that is your choice or mind set and that is not the fault of the market or the algo used. Even 100% or 300% per month is also possible with smaller account balan...
QFX Signals_50% Monthly
Obchodné systémy
Aug 12, 2019 at 14:14
Following to my previous post of Friday, there were no trades closed on Thursday and Friday. Also, no trades opened on Thursday due to low volatility, but some of the trades were opened at the end of the day on Friday and continued over the weekend. Finally, the complete group of open orders which were hold from last Friday was closed today with a small profit of +5.21% and 1210.60 pips.This system doesn't place trades everyday and places trades during only highly trending markets and hence, probably I need to wait for few days before next group of orders.Anyone who is interested in the sy...
QFX Signals_50% Monthly
Obchodné systémy
Aug 12, 2019 at 11:12
Yes.Those who believe earlier, they can get the benefit of the signals earlier. Those who believe later after it has a sufficient trade history or after the signal becomes popular etc, they can wait.If I receive quite a number of requests for signalstart, then I will make it available in signals and before that if I change my mind not to provide signals, then I will simply hide the system. This is not the only system which I have, rather I have unlimited numberof high profitable systems and I really don't need to provide signals and it is just one approach to see how everything goes.Those ...
QFX Signals_50% Monthly
Obchodné systémy
Aug 12, 2019 at 08:06
I know these myfxbook options very well, because I am not new to myfxbook. But I am just little new to signalstart.I mean to say that I will not make the trade history of my systems accessible for public through myfxbook and it will be only accessible through signalstart only for signal subscribers and not for general public.
QFX Signals_50% Monthly
Obchodné systémy
Aug 11, 2019 at 07:57
This system I have made it public only to provide signals through signalstart and so trade history might be available for signal subscribers through signalstart if that is an option there, but not through myfxbook.I guess no one will subscribe to the signals without seeing sufficient trading performance and for now it has only few days of performance. So for now it doesn't matter for me whether what I say is true or not. Those who will subscribe to the signals can automatically know whether what I am saying is correct or not.
QFX Signals_50% Monthly
Obchodné systémy
Aug 09, 2019 at 15:46
This account uses a safe grid system with medium risk levels. Also, unlike other grid trading systems, this system uses reasonable stoploss in each trade to protect the account from blowing out completely. Apart from that it uses maximum floating negative equity of -70% of the account balance at which auto closing of all trades happen to prevent complete wipe out of the account balance.Also, this system enters trades only during highly trending markets. So we didn't have any trades yesterday in this account since most of the pairs were just ranging within specific price range.Today was als...
Beginner's Tips
Noví obchodníci
Aug 08, 2019 at 08:07
I will say that learning how to trade forex profitably is very analogous to learning how to ride a bicycle. Just like initially while learning a bicycle there are frequent chances of you being fallen down and being hurt, in the same way while learning stage of forex trading overall you may loose.But once you learn how to balance the bicycle left and ride while you move ahead on it, even if you try to fall it is very difficult for you to fall. In the same way once you learn how to balance the profits and losses and continue to trade in forex, then it is very difficult for you to loose with some...
QFX Signals_50% Monthly
Obchodné systémy
Aug 07, 2019 at 20:07
System description:***************1.Monthly return: 100% (approximately)2.Maximum Floating Equity Drawdown: 70%3.Maximum total Drawdown: 100%4.Minimum Required Balance: 2000 USD or 2000 USD cent(20 USD in a cent account)5.Maximum Simultaneous Open orders: 2006.Minimum Required Leverage: 500Risk Warning:::************This is a medium to high risk grid trading system and hence, by using this system you are putting your entire account balance at risk which can be wiped out at anytime and so to protect your account balance make sure to withdraw profits from your account frequently either every day...
QFX Signals_50% Monthly
Obchodné systémy
Aug 07, 2019 at 08:22
To copy the trades of this system through signalstart, send a request through myfxbook performance page by clicking on the "Copy" button.Or you can also send a request to my contact email "
[email protected]
Best Broker
May 18, 2019 at 06:45
I can give my opinion about some of the most popular brokers in terms of Pros and cons:1.Pepperstone: Pros: Overall good broker and reliable and ASIC regulated with excellent customer support. Cons: Spreads are slightly higher compared to other brokers. Also, they have a leverage breakdown structure as the account balance increases.2.Axitrader:Pros:Good broker and ASIC regulated. Spreads are extremely low and excellent customer supportCons:Very few deposit and withdrawal options3.IC Markets:Pros:Seems to be a good broker and ASIC regulated. Spreads are very low.Cons:Very slow customer support....
QFX Master Signals 5
Obchodné systémy
May 18, 2019 at 06:31
I just want to update that temporarily I have made this account private since I am doing some settings adjustments with the system and during which I don't want anyone to request for signals.But soon I might resume trading in this account and might make this account public again once it is ready to be available for signals. I don't want to just keep changing accounts and hence,most probably I will continue with this account once everything is ready.I will keep updating regarding the progress.
QFX Master Signals 5
Obchodné systémy
May 14, 2019 at 17:12
Till now all the trades from the group of trades which were opened yesterday are not closed, but the system has made an overall small profit for today.In this post, I will explain about the point no.2 of my system description which is "Monthly % return".Monthly % return is closely related to daily % return which I will explain in future posts. Also, "Monthly % return" depends on balance drawdown, leverage,spread, slippage of the account. For any system if the account balance doesn't loose too much irrespective of whatever floating drawdown the system gives, then the ch...
How to choose a regulated forex broker?
May 14, 2019 at 14:10
While choosing a forex broker definitely a broker being regulated is the first criteria to look for. It may not be easy, but not impossible to find out whether a broker is regulated or not. Usually a regulated broker provides its regulation details, license number etc on the website which someone can verify by further visiting the regulator's website. But being regulated is not enough since now a days many forex brokers use very fine tuned and sophisticated techniques in the back end to not be noticed by the traders while manipulating price feed in individual accounts to make the trader lo...
Forex Courses
Noví obchodníci
May 14, 2019 at 05:10
Yes, in youtube almost everything is available to learn. Just need to know how to search. No need for any other sources to learn.
QFX Master Signals 5
Obchodné systémy
May 14, 2019 at 04:57
Due to the ongoing trade war between US and china, there was a complete chaos yesterday in most of the currency pairs both USD pairs as well as non-USD pairs. However, this system was able to meet the daily profit target by maintaining a reasonable drawdown within the range. I might decrease the risk in future if I will see if the average drawdown will reach to those levels frequently. But I strongly believe these are just exceptional market conditions and our usual drawdown will be way less than the current drawdown and so I don't have to reduce the risk any more. After I see the results ...
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