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Príspevky od forex_trader_20011
Gregs Success Signals EXTREME
Obchodné systémy
Apr 18, 2012 at 12:42
Care to join me? Purchase from the link above and I will do what I can to help you - although Greg is AWESOME at answering questions!😁
FX Wake Board 1.24 - Scalper Only
Obchodné systémy
Feb 14, 2012 at 01:12
For those tracking FFM - I have requested a refund - too many losses for my taste
Fast Forex Millions
Obchodné systémy
Feb 02, 2012 at 14:44
After Backtesting new version 2.5 - went LIVE. This chart will no longer update. New stats can be found here
FX Rogue Wave 1.10
Obchodné systémy
Jan 30, 2012 at 14:57
Reset chart for scalper only
Fast Forex Millions
Obchodné systémy
Jan 30, 2012 at 14:55
Reset Chart to show new version 2.5
Fast Forex Millions
Obchodné systémy
Jan 29, 2012 at 02:46
FFM 2.5 Loaded today - Default settings 3% Risk - 5 Pairs
Fast Forex Millions
Obchodné systémy
Jan 25, 2012 at 14:43
For those of you interested in buying but are worried about the history of the past few days...I just received this email from the developer...Hi there,As you may be concerned about thepast few days of trading, we have definitelyhit a rough patch with the trades.I wanted to let you know I'm working on aquick and emergency update.This update would aim to reduce tradingfrequency slightly to make it more accurate,PLUS the AIM is to also improve the trailingstop so it does not lose the profits thatyou may have seen it missed.Again, still good robot, and I'm sure weare patient you would see...
Fast Forex Millions
Obchodné systémy
Jan 25, 2012 at 14:40
Typo - The 10 I referred to above was 10 year backtests
Fast Forex Millions
Obchodné systémy
Jan 25, 2012 at 13:45
Sigh - note to self - always check the data you are using to analyze your data with.I ran the 10 backtests a few more time on the AUDUSD pair and found that it was using m15 data for the test. I deleted the existing data and reloaded. Upon using 1m data, the results were similar to the other pairs. So, the AUDUSD is back in the mix with 900 FilterDepth.
Fast Forex Millions
Obchodné systémy
Jan 25, 2012 at 12:57
IN all fairness, I have reset the chart to a date starting today with the new settings. All default except FilterDepth set to 900.
Fast Forex Millions
Obchodné systémy
Jan 24, 2012 at 21:03
True enough, I always have my doubts. I received an email today from the developer to optimize your settings with the FilterDepth. Not exactly sure what that variable controls, but I did it and found that the default setting of 600 was terrible on my broker IBFX. However, a setting of 900 worked VERY well in backtests going back 10 years.So, once again, I have made a change and put four of the pairs back online. As there are folks watching this, I wont start a new demo account but will let it run and see if it recoups its losses on the new settings. AUDUSD had crappy results going back 10, the...
Fast Forex Millions
Obchodné systémy
Jan 24, 2012 at 03:45
I made a change today. In reading different forum specifically Birts Ea Review, backtests over a long period of time match the vendors in results on the EURUSD. Taking Money Management into consideration, I am running FFM on EURUSD only with a higher risk of 10%. On average, this EA loses about 30 pips. With MM set for 10%, that makes average risk for this pair at about 3% or less.
Fast Forex Millions
Obchodné systémy
Jan 23, 2012 at 13:44
Wow - I just noticed there are several people tracking my chart. That's ok. Keep in mind that this is a DEMO account. Anyone who trades MDP will know that William's EA's always run differently on Demo as opposed to a live account. That is not supposed to be the case with this EA. It seems to trade normally. The question I have at the there a real benefit to running all five pairs on one account? Possibly, it may be beneficial to only trade the most profitable pair with a higher lot size. That's what forward testing with myfxbook is all about.I will be testing FFM on...
FX Rogue Wave 1.10
Obchodné systémy
Jan 23, 2012 at 13:24
The strategy may be my thought process. But I cannot take credit for the coding. EAcoder is an awesome programmer and can be hired by visiting Tell him Scotty B sent ya!Fast, reliable, highly recommended!
FX Rogue Wave 1.10
Obchodné systémy
Jan 23, 2012 at 13:22
FX Rogue Wave Expert Advisor (An MT4 Forex breakout strategy)Written by IBtheScottyBThe concept of trading Forex to me is similar to surfing at the beach. The object of the exercise is to catch a wave and ride it as long as you can. If you start paddling on EVERY wave, you will exhaust yourself. In Forex, you will exhaust your capital. You can no more guess what the price is going to do in Forex, than you can guess how big the wave is going to catch.Therefore, we will take the only certainty in Forex that I have found and that is… at any given point, the price WILL go up or down. The ob...
Fast Forex Millions
Obchodné systémy
Jan 23, 2012 at 12:37
Pretty much.My settings are default. 5% risk but I will adjust lot size manually so all trades are same lot size.
FX Rogue Wave 1.10
Obchodné systémy
Jan 20, 2012 at 22:47
Version 1.10 uses the same entry point as it's predecessors however now employs an initial stop loss below the previous candle at opening.
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodné systémy
Jan 20, 2012 at 21:57
I gave up on getting "millions" in profits years ago. But, nice steady profits. I'm content with that. MDP has done that so far, if this one does too...I'm ok with it. If not, buh-bye like many more before it.
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodné systémy
Jan 20, 2012 at 21:53
...because i won't run it live unless I can see it work in a tick data backtest. I want to know how and why it trades before I am willing to risk money on it.Always a wise move.
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodné systémy
Jan 20, 2012 at 21:45
I took the plunge and gave it a try. Real account stats for MDP as well as Demo Account stats for FFm on on my page. It didnt start off too well, but I didnt get it running until last night.fughe - I had to turn off anti-virus to get mine to initialize. Ran fine afterwards. AVG kept popping up with a "threat detected" signal from the FFM .dll file. May have to use different AV on server that an exception can be created.Will go live at the beginning of the month if stats pickup...if not..well, that's why there is a 30 day MBG. Never buy an EA without it.
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