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I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Skúsení obchodníci
Jan 17, 2013 at 09:10
Your very quick to reply Imguessing because your unemployed and lonely and is looking for people that reply to you?Or perhaps you have no trading success and so you chose to waste time doing what you do best nag and whinge? Hmm I'm thinking all the above!
Best traders: How to detect them?
Jan 17, 2013 at 09:02
I hear where you're coming from, the reason I take short trades and if you check my drawdown chart will give you the answer. I have success in a different form I break the market up into micro volumes which means I can never be wrong by much but I can be right by much and so with a very good indicator using a unique style I am able to extract out of the market slow but consistent and steady pips. The only reason my drawdown initially was 60% was because I set my system to trade many currencies so I overloaded but with my broker I trade only the currencies which have spreads less than 1 pi...
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Skúsení obchodníci
Jan 17, 2013 at 08:41
So all you can do is read and not interpret? Can you write as well so i can buy your book?
Best traders: How to detect them?
Jan 17, 2013 at 05:18
If you can teach then you can develope the strategy and use an EA. ( I like the fact you are willing to teach for money lol )Give the peoplr a break.. they are here to make money not lose it to you and the broker.If you or anyone can make 20% per week then you can be very wealthy in no time. The key is to be consistent. Most come and go with 40% profit this month but only to be -60% next month I've seen your kind year in and week out many times. Over and Over.If anyone can be CONSISTENT and do more than 10% per week send me an email. I will ensure you make anough money to not have to work ...
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Skúsení obchodníci
Jan 17, 2013 at 03:25
WOW did you analyse this all by youself or you got someone to help you?Let me see it trades 10k lots if it werent making money would it be trading this much? Did it start with this much or did it earn the right to trade this much?Record unverified... I verified it who else needs it verified? Not like I ask for your authority or anyone elses that has so much trading experience and is spending all his time here obviously. WAIT THERES MORE...62% drawdown yes?...out of your extensive experience perhaps you can explaint to all of us which trade caused that drawdown... perhaps looking at the drawdow...
Best traders: How to detect them?
Jan 16, 2013 at 20:24
unfortunately you cannot consider profit factor nor profits/rades while you have a growth strategy in it, unless the system makes the same trade size for each trade. So all strategies that have MM like mine will have a small profit factor while the account grows. REASON: When making profit means each susequent trade will usually be larger than previous unless losses were made and for this to happen means the profit factor will be smaller.
Best traders: How to detect them?
Jan 16, 2013 at 14:59
What if the win percentage was 80% and your losses to wins are 6:1 like many scalpers are at best ...hmmmm John maths not your strong point?
Jan 16, 2013 at 12:18
I was wondering if anyone knows why I don't have any drawdowns in my system registered?Is there anyone that doesn't have DD too?
Obchodné systémy
Jan 16, 2013 at 11:21
What possible reason do you have to only trade that currency?
Obchodné systémy
Jan 16, 2013 at 06:48
I like what you got and I think I can add value to it but I'm sure you don't care right.
Obchodné systémy
Jan 16, 2013 at 06:44
Are you trading only one curency because thats all I can see results for?
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Skúsení obchodníci
Jan 16, 2013 at 06:37
The meltdown of 2008? LOL it's easy to overcome this if you were using price trends rather than time trends. It was all in the bullish catagory and for those that used time based got the shock of their lives. Everything else I agree with you.I will study your achievements but backtest is nothing more than a waste of time and besides I can't backtest my strategy but only forward test it. However I would envite you to go look at the consistency of my trades and comment on it in my portfolio. It is always interesting to get comments from thos that have been around a long time.
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Skúsení obchodníci
Jan 16, 2013 at 04:52
If you can double that in a month consistently with a proven record you would retire rich in not time. Many hedge companies would want you on their team but to many thats a dream because I have seen so many make 60, 70 even 80 a month only to low it the next month etc... like i said I been around a long time and not seen this happen YET! Hence why hedging companies are the most profitable with about 30-40% anual returns consistently.
Obchodné systémy
Jan 16, 2013 at 04:11
If you say many people have excellent risk to reward but dont close trades with profit means they don't have a good risk to reward. As IT SAYS RISK TO REWARD of 1:1 is great! If you close with loses all the time means you have hugh risk to little reward.I canno't see your stats but I'd love to see them... where can I see them? .
Obchodné systémy
Jan 15, 2013 at 20:35
Ok then you're doing OK so you think let me show you how well you're doing. 1) What is your percentage of wins to losses?2) What is your risk to reward? In scalping usually the risk is massive to a small reward... not my cup of tea.3) Are you even using stop losses?Eventually the market will catch up with you is if there is no clear answers to these as well as bias answers.As far as the EURJPY I strongly recommend you view my style of trading when that massive drawdown occurs which will teach you something. Although I'm not clear on your strategy I reckon I been in your position ma...
Obchodné systémy
Jan 15, 2013 at 15:12
My opinion if you were to ask me:To make so much and lose it means you are doing something horribly wrong.I'm thinking you are not using a SL right?Break up the market into little volumes and work on each to get a decent profitable percentage the rest comes from there. Just keep the risk to reward about the same don't deviate too much from this. Don't try to predict the future too far ahead because no one can just into minor segments will get you much better success. One last thing once you're in the green you would be a fool to make any loss. This alone won me few contests!
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Skúsení obchodníci
Jan 15, 2013 at 07:07
You are perfectly right and you have signed an agreement when you join a broker that you are fully liable for anything that happens!
Lucas Millionaire
Obchodné systémy
Jan 14, 2013 at 09:02
His name is Alfred and it's not a real account it's set up by FECH themselves. The only reason mine makes money is because the MT4 platform is not tampered with. I got another account running which is almost at the billion dollar mark starting from 5k. That's the highest I have ever seen but as always demo accounts mean nothing its what can be done on a real account.
Lucas Millionaire
Obchodné systémy
Jan 13, 2013 at 19:45
This will reach 100 million in no time.
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