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Príspevky od forex_trader_1819
Let's Gamble
Obchodné systémy
Aug 31, 2010 at 21:51
Your mirror is saying you are a prat? I'm confused. I thought it was reflecting Venus as a boy 😇 Dang! Got it wrong again.
Let's Gamble
Obchodné systémy
Aug 31, 2010 at 15:19
Well some people on this forum think that you have no right to comment on other people's trading if you can't show an account so I'm showing one just to please them. But don't worry, when that inevitable equity slide comes, I won't be deleting the account. It won't be swept under the carpet. It will remain to remind me how much of a prat I can be.
Big Bank
Obchodné systémy
Aug 20, 2010 at 10:00
Oh yeah, I'm digging it, I'm digging it. Pass that reefer along Dr. Forex and we'll all sing along to "Summertime Blues" by The Who (just for Speki). Show 'em how it's done. I'm looking forward to seeing the art of trading in action!And Gil, I think I'm passed surprised. I'm in shock now. I'm going to have to get the defibrillator out to revive myself. I don't know what I was expecting. Actually, yes I do. I thought I would come on here and see traders that have been at this for a few years with a stable trading history. Was that too m...
Big Bank
Obchodné systémy
Aug 19, 2010 at 13:01
I hope it's a money tree 😲 Okay, guilty as charged - lol. As I said, at least you've got a sense of humour. Rob might be able to buy himself one soon. I don't see the point in showing my equity curves. I'm not selling anything but if you insist .... Criticise away, I'm used to it. Speki likes to send me PMs full of criticism.On a more serious note, I have some spare money to invest and I have been keeping a sly eye on people that trade OPM but I'm really struggling to find anyone that stays around very long or that I like the look of. That's all.
Big Bank
Obchodné systémy
Aug 19, 2010 at 07:53
Rob, seriously, you're boring me. Your post made me fall into a comatose state. Thank gawd the bailiffs smashing in my front door managed to wake me up or I might have never come around. Are you feeling lonely? I know you posted on your "lose over 50% in one day" system but nobody replied to you so you just had to come looking for me didn't you? Stop stalking me man. It's getting creepy.I've given up on you. I've come to learn from the professionals. I'm a gambler not a trader and don't you forget that. Awright?
Big Bank
Obchodné systémy
Aug 19, 2010 at 04:57
Yawn. Boring. The one that has nearly twice as many posts says that I talk a lot? Who asked for your 2p anyway? Go and fix your account.
Big Bank
Obchodné systémy
Aug 19, 2010 at 04:34
Is that your favourite word? I ain't moving anywhere. I'm awaiting Pistis' graceful return so I can pick up a few tips on how not to lose over 50% in one day. At least he's got a sense of humour.
Big Bank
Obchodné systémy
Aug 18, 2010 at 16:26
Well if it's eating you up that much Speki, why don't you contact him through the appropriate channels like PM or email and ask him yourself. As far as I know, he ain't Jacko Christ Jackson offering investors the opportunity to invest in his fund for a guaranteed 30% return a year with losses topped up with his own money. He's providing signals. Why don't you just take care of yourself and your own account. Don't be worrying too much about these pros. It's all just a giggle (until they run off with your money that is).
Big Bank
Obchodné systémy
Aug 18, 2010 at 12:11
No, this is different. My bud doesn't go around belittling other traders. He is polite and helpful and has spent a lot of his time helping others for free.
Norbert Kiraly
Obchodné systémy
Aug 18, 2010 at 11:16
Yes, very strange account. When you uncustomise it, the graph says the account was in negative territory for June yet the monthly analytics say there was a 6.24% gain. Obviously when you uncustomise it, it doesn't change the monthly analytics to reflect the true status.
Big Bank
Obchodné systémy
Aug 18, 2010 at 10:34
Awwww, thanks man, I'm looking forward to your graceful return and you teaching me the art of trading.
Obchodné systémy
Aug 15, 2010 at 12:36
I think you need glasses 😈 I don't see 3 days holding time on this account. Anyway, this is a demo account. What are you doing looking at demo accounts? We all know it isn't real life whether it be manual trading or EA.I don't get the profit factor either or how it is worked out. Do I need to be a mathematician to be able to work this one out. Do you know how it is worked out Speki?
Let's Gamble
Obchodné systémy
Aug 15, 2010 at 06:12
Thanks for the advice ForexSeeker but all that sounds waaayyyy too complicated for me. I called the account Let's Gamble because, let's admit it, forex is a form of gambling and I thought I could try to trade lot sizes way too big for the account, but I didn't have the cojones to do it so it's just plodding along like the rest of my accounts with low percentage results 😲I wish you well on your journey.
Let's Gamble
Obchodné systémy
Aug 14, 2010 at 17:11
No, I'm not talking Wacko Jacko. I'm talking Jacko of "Jacko's Forex House of Pleasure and Pain" fame. His pleasure but his investors pain by the looks of things. Anyway, you've missed your chance to invest or be mentored. He ain't taking any more investors or noobs on. Dang! Another super guru down the tubes.
Let's Gamble
Obchodné systémy
Aug 14, 2010 at 12:19
Oh, just go and invest in Jacko's fund. It's a guaranteed return of 30% a year and if there are any losses, he generously tops it up from his own money. It's a no brainer. ROLF ROLF ROFLI took my daughter to the theatre a few months ago. It was the story of the tortoise and the hare. It just reaffirmed to me what I already knew. Slow and steady wins the race. I'll be here long after the cows have gone home.You know I only put my accounts up for a friend to check and she's checked so, like Jacko, poof, they are gone (well until next weekend that is).
Obchodné systémy
Aug 12, 2010 at 17:10
How the vouching system works? In order to be able to vouch for others, you need to have 3 vouchers yourself – we will be vouching for users during the week to allow them to vouch for others.
Obchodné systémy
Aug 12, 2010 at 10:27
Okay, you're not really getting it. If you trade without a stop loss you have to be prepared for worst case scenario. The Dow didn't fall 900 points yesterday but you were still margin called. Reduce your risk and good luck.
Obchodné systémy
Aug 11, 2010 at 23:37
Errrr, nope, no confusion this end. I'm referring to your account called "MANAGED - KF". The system has been deleted but the thread is still there.I read a very good post on FF a couple of months ago. You may find some value in it."For me, and I suspect it is the same for everyone, trading success is directly linked to personal developement. Hiding the truth, or hiding from the truth is counter productive. The truth isnt pretty and often very difficult to face and even harder to admit to others. But there is no other alternative that will not cause you to subconciously pu...
Obchodné systémy
Aug 11, 2010 at 22:05
RobertI don't mean to come across as a vulture but it is not normal to get a margin call/blow an account every couple of months. It doesn't have to be a process. Just reduce your risk. You don't have to be the best trader in the world. It's all about capital preservation. I'm getting real tired of watching account after account go BOOM and then BUST on this forum or they go BOOM and then the operator disappears like Pistis of Kapend Investments (especiallly after making smart arse comments about other people's trading), he couldn't even last a month. LJB Finan...
Obchodné systémy
Aug 11, 2010 at 21:41
I just wanted to point out that the difference between "gain" and "absolute gain" does not mean that there are a lot of floating positions. There may well be a lot of floating positions on this account but comparing gain and absolute gain is not the way to determine that.
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