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Forex Growth Bot
Obchodné systémy
Aug 09, 2013 at 23:56
buit this??
Gold EA Long and Short (latest version)
Obchodné systémy
Aug 09, 2013 at 11:39
Turned it off, eh? Did the account blow out? HMMM?
Obchodné systémy
Aug 09, 2013 at 11:37
Hey Sirius1fx, you piece of shit. You have time to comment on a system not for sale, while all you clients are hosed? Why don't you spend a little time serving your clients!!!I can see why you have to change countries. I wouldn't unpack them bags.What a douche bag you are.
Obchodné systémy
Aug 09, 2013 at 01:16
Two weeks does not a long term make. Come back in 6 months and we'll talk.
1.3 Ascendancy Extreme I (Managed)
Obchodné systémy
Aug 03, 2013 at 17:23
Julian;Yes, I got to a reasonable point and got out. I am sort of managing this on a portfolio basis. With all three, I was still up over 3% for the week, so I was good at closing for a loss. I did not intervene on my demo account though. Gonna let it run and see where it takes me.
Obchodné systémy
Jul 30, 2013 at 06:02
Well, it looks like I've been screwed by another Ukrainian. First Ataka, and now siriusprosystems. No communication, no answer to emails, no support. Promises, promises, and as usual, no action. How long does it take to write a 2 sentence update? Hey I'm here! I'm hard at it! Please be patient. Nope, nothing. Nada. Zip. C'mon Sirisupro...give us something?
Obchodné systémy
Jul 29, 2013 at 17:09
Well, it looks like I've been screwed by another Ukrainian. First Ataka, and now siriusprosystems. No communication, no answer to emails, no support. Promises, promises, and as usual, no action. How long does it take to write a 2 sentence update? Hey I'm here! I'm hard at it! Please be patient. Nope, nothing. Nada. Zip. C'mon Sirisupro...give us something?
%100 profit in 1 month
Obchodné systémy
Jul 27, 2013 at 20:15
Why would anyone care if he has investors or not? Be concerned for your own money.Looking at the trades, all the money was made trading gold and silver. Everything else traded is essentially a zero. All the money was made on a couple big wins. The rest of the month is flat. One month of winning does not a winning system make. It is a good start, but the streets are littered with one month big winners.If your interested in this, watch another 5 months, then decide.
1.3 Ascendancy Extreme I (Managed)
Obchodné systémy
Jul 27, 2013 at 12:42
Simone;From your tag line, I see you read zero hedge too. Send me an email to
[email protected]
and we can talk.
3.1 Ascendancy Extreme 25
Obchodné systémy
Jul 26, 2013 at 22:11
No difference Julian. The demo started first and i'm just going to let it run compounded until something happens.
Obchodné systémy
Jul 25, 2013 at 18:50
This is the usual disingenuousness of Dustin Pass. The only one that made 135% are the ones that started at the same time. Anyone who started 6 months up to now, after him, is either even or underwater, some substantively underwater.I guess we'll see if rotating into what worked for the past two years will work in the next two years. Historically that isn't the case. Maybe the lower risk setting will keep the draw down closer to 60% instead of 100%.
Obchodné systémy
Jul 22, 2013 at 13:52
Jellybaby;Would you mind sharing that set files with me? You can email me at
[email protected]
in advance.
Obchodné systémy
Jul 21, 2013 at 13:17
JellybabyI agree with you. I seem to have an affinity for martingale systems. While the pure gambling comment of aplmustdie is true, it is also true of any EA. Look at the highly acclaimed MDP that wont run anything like the authors supposedly achieve. Look at the "death by a thousand cuts" of Forex Growth Bot. Any system will kill your account if you don't practice money management. I actaully prefer the big wins and occasional blowouts of some martingale systems because, like you say, you can really rack up the profits, take your profits weekly, and then play with the houses m...
Obchodné systémy
Jul 21, 2013 at 11:19
Irina;July has almost come and gone and we have not heard a word one from you. I'm pretty sure you quit monitoring your system 1 because it drew down , like my account did (mine took all of 2 weeks). My emails to you have not been answered. Now you change countries and you say you need a new email. Why would you need a new email? Email addresses are not country specific, unless you don't want certain people contacting you anymore? Why did you stand so firmly in support of your original system and then discard it like so much trash? Now you have a much better system? 1 month is not a tr...
Obchodné systémy
Jul 20, 2013 at 23:08
Irina;July has almost come and gone and we have not heard a word one from you. I'm pretty sure you quit monitoring your system 1 because it drew down and blew out, like my account did (mine took all of 2 weeks to blow). My emails to you have not been answered. Now you change countries and you say you need a new email. Why would you need a new email? Email addresses are not country specific, unless you don't want certain people contacting you anymore? Why did you stand so firmly in support of your original system and then discard it like so much trash? Now you have a much better system?...
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodné systémy
Jul 19, 2013 at 22:34
Jonny;It's always a pleasure to see you crawl out from under your rock to give us one of your thoughtful and inspiring rants. Are you perhaps a teacher in real life? Because those that can, do. Those that cant, teach. Matter of fact, the word can't is jammed so far up your arse, you must be tenured at UC Berkley.If Steam is so great, where are your myfxbook accounts trading it? Why aren't you trading and sharing your results, Mr. Can't?Where are ANY Steam successful accounts, for that matter? Matter of fact, there ain't shit under your myfxbook name except one pathetic litt...
Forex Growth Bot
Obchodné systémy
Jul 17, 2013 at 13:48
deysmacro;I respectfully disagree. Homework means you know how to run the system and you now how the system runs. It sounds like he has done that through demo trading. This really is a low risk entry point based on the setup and parameters previously mentioned. Assuming he understands that, then what more homework needs to be done? You can do more "homework" by waiting another 6 months and watching it recover, at which point you'll complain about not getting back in. It may break to new lows and you'll know that fairly soon as well and you'll step aside due to the risk ma...
Forex Growth Bot
Obchodné systémy
Jul 17, 2013 at 12:00
Mokhtar;If you haven't been trading growth bot in a real account yet, this may be an excellent time to start trading it. While I agree with Anglican that the situation may yet not be normal, you are at a low risk entry point on this system. The equity curve has just turned up off of its lows, and it has put in a higher low and a higher high. Draw a trend line across the the two recent lows and start trading. If the equity curve violates the trend line, then stand aside once again.There are no guarantees in this game. What worked yesterday may not work tomorrow and vice versa. Since you d...
3.1 Ascendancy Extreme 25
Obchodné systémy
Jul 14, 2013 at 12:35
I like it to. When's the shoe gonna drop though? Tomorrow? Never? Im going to start a demo of this on a 300:1 margin account and let it go for a month. Then I'll have two on this one. If it hasn't blown out by then, I'm going to trade it.
1.1 Ascendancy Enduro (Managed)
Obchodné systémy
Jul 12, 2013 at 14:50
Julian;I usually never intervene on the long cycles. If I were to, a full basket would not necessarily cause an intervention. If I were close to a margin call, I may close other pairs to free up margin but that's the extent of my intervention. I have not done that on this account though.Having said that, this account was started on 1/5 with 12,000 and almost blew out on 1/20. This is friends money, and I didnt want to tell them I lost it all in 2 weeks so I did pull the plug and captured a 70% loss. There was 3500 left. I put in another 3500 and we started over with 7,000 and this is the ...
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