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Set you target and goal
Noví obchodníci
Aug 24, 2020 at 01:19
If you are in trading, you will never become a successful trader. First you have to set your goals. And we have to move slowly towards that goal. Success at Forex is possible through a lot of patience. Trading is very difficult and this difficult thing requires a lot of planning to make it easy. A lot of discipline is needed. It is very important to do good analysis in trading and besides analysis there are some important things to manage and set a goal. If all goes well, you will one day become a successful trader.
Noví obchodníci
Aug 21, 2020 at 06:54
The cause of losses in overconfident trading. Traders who trade overconfident can never become successful traders. Over-trading people always work with greed, so even if they make a profit, they can't keep that profit for long. This over-trading comes from overconfident. I become overconfident when I make a lot of profit together. And from that overconfident, I lose that profit again. That's why it's never right to be overconfident in trading.
Hello world
Noví obchodníci
Aug 21, 2020 at 06:26
Welcome to Forex World. In my opinion, popular business like Forex is not found in the whole world. You can earn a lot of money by trading here, but you must manage discipline. You cannot trade with a plan that requires a stop loss of more than 2%. Trading is a market of possibilities. It is not uncommon to lose here, so if you want to do it in the market of probability, risk management, money management, these things must be done. You have to be satisfied with the profit that comes from trading.
Trading Target
Aug 20, 2020 at 01:08
It is very important to have a target in trading. If you do not have the right target, you will not find your trading purpose. It is very important to have a target to meet your goals. It is not possible to achieve anything without a purpose. It is also impossible to reach the goal of trading without a target. If you want to reach the goal, you have to proceed according to the plan. If the plan is not right, there can be many problems to reach the target.
Set you target and goal
Noví obchodníci
Aug 20, 2020 at 00:44
It is not possible to get rich in one day in trading. You have to gain a lot of knowledge and then you have to make a profit in trading. It is a matter of skill. You will lose after you learn everything because trading is a market of possibilities. It is not uncommon to lose here. So if you can set a target and set a goal, you can succeed in trading. Because without a plan, none of those targets and goals can be met.
90% are loser ..why ?
Noví obchodníci
Aug 19, 2020 at 00:17
Most of the people are greedy. They come to trading and earn a lot of money in a few days so that they lose from the Forex market in maximum time. I talk to some of these traders but their attitude makes them look like they are trying to get rich overnight. And because of this, they lose. Sometimes there are deficits, but you can never be considered a successful trader. Those who want to be rich overnight are among the 90%.
How to test my system Performance?
Noví obchodníci
Aug 18, 2020 at 23:55
There are many types of analysis in the forex market. I do a lot of analysis and use a lot of strategies to do this analysis. But I think the sentimental analysis is the best. But I think trading is a psychological game. Because you do not use that strategy. If Psychology is not right, you can never make a profit. There are many traders whose Psychology is very weak, even though their analysis is good, they make a loss in trading. So no matter how well you analyze in trading, it is impossible to make a profit if you do not have the right psychology.
Impulse Trading and How to Avoid It
Noví obchodníci
Aug 18, 2020 at 00:28
Most of the time you have to accept the loss in trading when trading with an impulsive attitude. Trading is a game of goals and if you want to win in this game of goals, you must show patience. It is wise to accept this loss in trading and move on to trading. If you start over-trading to cover losses, your account may become empty. Therefore, you need to think positive all the time.
I can't find a good entry point!
Skúsení obchodníci
Aug 18, 2020 at 00:07
I don't know what strategy you use but I would say you use sentimental analysis. How to make a profit if you can't suffer market sentiment. I have used many strategies but in the end, I like this strategy a lot. If your analysis is not good at trading, then it is not possible to make a profit. If you want to make a profit, your analysis will be good. And trading needs to be done patiently.
Noví obchodníci
Aug 17, 2020 at 02:12
The first thing you will do as a new trader is to open a demo account. You need to learn a lot about Forex online. But since you are a new trader, you need to know the basics. Because if you don't know the basics, it will be very difficult for you to trade. You can learn about market flow first. Learn about Swing High Swing Low. Which are the major currencies and which are the cryptocurrencies? You need to know all these basic things when it comes to trading. The biggest thing as new is to choose a broker because if the broker is not good then you will have a lot of problems.
What was your best day in trading?
Noví obchodníci
Aug 17, 2020 at 01:28
The time frame of the market is divided into 4 parts. For example, 4 sessions run every day, and 4 sessions exist 5 days a week. It is not possible to trade in the first 2 sessions between these 4 sessions, as these 2 sessions are usually in price volatility. For this, it is better to trade in 3 sessions. This session starts from Wednesday to Thursday. The movement of the market is good at this time. So in my opinion, it is better to trade at this time.
Beginner's Tips
Noví obchodníci
Aug 14, 2020 at 14:35
Trading is a very risky business. Not everyone can do that business. If you want to do this business, you have to be emotionally strong. If you want to do forex trading, you have to gather a lot of information. And first, you have to practice the demo. In addition to practicing the demo, you have to learn from a good mentor and collect a lot of information online. You have to manage risk and trade. A maximum of 2% risk can be taken in a trade. As a beginner trader, you need to select a good broker. when I started my trading carrier, I had no knowledge about Forex. I learn the basics with the h...
Knowldge is important
Noví obchodníci
Aug 14, 2020 at 14:09
Forex trading requires a lot of knowledge. And this knowledge is developed through learning. If you do not want to learn to trade, you will lose your valuable money. Trading requires a lot of experience. This experience will help you to profit. There are various websites where forex training is done, you can train and do demo trading with it.
Experienced trader
Skúsení obchodníci
Aug 13, 2020 at 16:46
If you trade without emotions, you do not need to be an experienced trader. Because if you don't have emotion in trading, you can make a lot of profit from trading. I have seen many traders who have made a lot of profit by trading for 2 years because their psychology was very strong. Trading Psychological Game. And to win in this psychosomatic game, you must give up emotions. And trade according to discipline.
Need help for be a good trader
Noví obchodníci
Aug 12, 2020 at 17:27
Forex trading is very difficult but if you learn and gain experience you can trade. However, a lot of profit can be made. If you are interested in trading, you can do demo trading. If you think I can trade after demo trading, you can join trading. And if you think you can't trade, then trading is not for you. The mindset has something to do with it. If you trade without a proper mindset, you will lose which is not desirable at all.
Beginner's Tips
Noví obchodníci
Aug 11, 2020 at 16:26
Trading in Forex requires a lot of patience. It is impossible to trade without patience. In most cases, new traders become impatient and face losses by over-trading. New traders should usually practice demo trading. New traders can learn a lot from online. They can learn from Google and YouTube. You need to learn to trade. If you don't learn to trade, you will lose. For this, you have to do this work in the gap of learning the demo.
Successful Trading Rules
Noví obchodníci
Aug 07, 2020 at 16:18
Money management is a part of trading. If you do not manage money, you will face a lot of losses. Money management is a part of the trading discipline. Successful traders follow money management all the time. Money management often converts bad trades into good trades. If you want to trade, you can earn a lot of money in one day, but if you do not follow the money management, this money can be spent in one day. So it is necessary to follow money management at all times in trading.
Why people lose money in Forex Trading?
Aug 06, 2020 at 16:11
From my point of view, most people want to be rich overnight when it comes to Forex trading. But their demand is never right. There is no business that will give you 100% profit. You must accept some losses and if you cannot accept then you can never survive in Forex trading. If you want to follow this method, you have to follow money management and if you don't do that, you will not be able to make a profit for life.
Is Martingale the real and the only holy grail?
Aug 05, 2020 at 17:13
Many people use many strategies in Forex. In most cases, the same strategy is used by 2 people and one of them is making a profit and the other is making a loss. Emotions are working here. And there is no price for emotions in Forex. Can do some things which I am describing below1. Uses long term time frames and analyses in this time frame.2. After refraining from trading for a while, he came from outside.3. Meditate regularly and control emotions.4. Follow trade management or adhere to risk rewards.Follow these rules and hope all goes well.
Really? Long term is worth the wait?
Aug 04, 2020 at 18:48
Yes, it is true because long term trading requires risk-reward to be followed. Risk reward scalping is no longer seen in the case. But long-term trades need to look at these later, which makes the trade more likely to turn a profit. And long term analysis is usually done by looking at the big time frame so the analysis is much better. However, in order to trade long term, the amount needs to be more. It is not possible to trade long term if the amount is not high.
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