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Aladin 8.1 Gold
Sep 09, 2014 at 14:36
Finally 5 Sep 2015 got one Spike Break out profit 7k, which is 1.4% ROI.Follow by ranging which result another 8 Level Max Open Martingale and gain 1k on 8 Sep 2014.
Aladin 8.1 Gold
Sep 09, 2014 at 14:21
After the Spike early Monday, it range whole day result Martingale Level to max Lot unable open more.By Logic it should have enough money to Open More Level of Martingale buy for unknown reason it did not.As result it need to withstand the draw down and waited 8 Days to recover and just profit 500.
Aladin 8.1 Gold
Sep 09, 2014 at 14:06
I only start play Gold notice from Contest - SquaredFinanced.Gold has a high spread and broker seem adjusting the spread differently.Probably need to avoid play on Friday for Gold.Aladdin 8.1 added Spread Control and fix the Slippage mistake as result from trading Gold.
Cikai Trader FX
Obchodné systémy
Sep 09, 2014 at 12:26
Opps, over look that you are Manual Trading.So what Indicator and Logic you use to get In and get Out ?You base on subjective eyes correlation data from indicator ?As EA only can make out Logic by the DataWindows in the platform.
Skúsení obchodníci
Sep 09, 2014 at 12:19
Good, can you guys describe which pair is trending most time and less ranging time or how the behavior of each pairs that suite different kind of emotion people.Here some data from web.
Cikai Trader FX
Obchodné systémy
Sep 09, 2014 at 04:38
You open 19 Chart same time using Same EA setting?Good strategy, as you able to get 100% ROI per month using $100.Been wonder long time how to get Profit more than 100 to cover the risk of Martingale.Can explain how you Mange the 19 Chart? You base on Market News to ON/OFF certain chart or always ON ?
Aladdin 8.1 Gold
Obchodné systémy
Sep 09, 2014 at 04:18
Log 9 Sep 2014:Bug found : EA no more continue respond after having invalid SL/TP.Try to disable and enable the EA again, but seem it did not clear the pre-load memory of EA, still no respond.Close chart and open New Chart and put Back EA. Found no Info Display come out, as market no tick at All.Sudden spike down of price, my Info Display get back.Need add Monitor Control if sudden change of Total Order and Acc in Profit, then { Close All Trade}.
The Negative Balance Question.
Skúsení obchodníci
Sep 08, 2014 at 11:42
I didn't aware of such contract. <<< That we need to settle the debt if there is really a big spike and cause margin call result negative balance >>If broker able to prevent this then there should no sort of this contract to be exist rite?The contract is digitally sign or Paper one?
Aladdin 8.1 2011
Sep 08, 2014 at 11:07
3 max level trigger in Year 2011. Market is quite trendy, not much range.As market did not bump, so as Profit did not bump so much also compare 2012 & 2013.Conclusion : The more level you open in Martingale - the more Risk, the more Profit.Risk and Profit is connected eventually.1)Bump in 3 Feb2)Bump in 9 Sep3)Bump in 22 Oct
KeltnerPRO - Jared
Obchodné systémy
Sep 08, 2014 at 10:29
I still blur about this EA, please rectify me if my statement wrong.1)This EA base on Signal Indicator and NEWS feed info from Broker to take trade.2) Use MoneyManagement Lot compounding method.3) Currently 5 pair EA being trade simultaneously in this Real Account.4) Close strategy also by indicator Signal and no SL or TP set on this Acc.5) Open trade base on BAR and got 3 Logic of setting, indicator likely use ATR.Someone said it similar to Million Dollar Pips EA. Can explain more how they trade logic sort like?
PowerFlow EA (3rd acc)
Obchodné systémy
Sep 08, 2014 at 08:24
To withstand sharp draw down you need is a Big Account.As I only use 0.01 lot already require 2k over to counter big trend of down times.Your account is open with 0.12 that mean you need over 20k-30k just to open trade and not much margin to withstand further draw down.Your balance Account only around 23k. And you trading 4 pair together.Conclusion : You are taking great Risk to accumulate the Profit and give it a Blow in matter of time.Unless your Martingale can gain >100% per month, the risk to use small account to play Martingale is TOO HIGH.Martingale is great tool to use as is pur...
Aladdin8.1 2013
Sep 08, 2014 at 06:11
One luck break out on 10 Jan 2013 contribute of profit 3.2k.Got 6 times reach max level and able to come back. Stable stacking up the profit on 2013.Market consider bumpy on year 2013.
Aladdin 8.1 2012
Sep 08, 2014 at 06:02
There are 2 high peek of profit as reach max Level of Martingale.1) 2 Apr 2012. Not enough money occur, lucky as trend in favor, else probably margin call.2) 29 July 2012. Break Out in favor trend.
The Negative Balance Question.
Skúsení obchodníci
Sep 07, 2014 at 23:14
Has you experience the account gone negative as by Margin Call, does your broker required you to fill up the debt?Or you just change Broker and ignore the debt.If you got few accounts hold in that Broker, will they just deduct from your other account or from your reserve balance and so on...You can easily go Margin Call if the broker spread suddenly become 1000 pips rite?
2nd Showcase Account
Obchodné systémy
Sep 07, 2014 at 12:50
Just found out the highlight :- Enough money to wait trend come back.InstaForex lot size seem = $USD. That's a good news, mean you can play $0.01 per pip.So your Acc 3k is become like 30k as normally broker only give you standard lot where 0.01 Lot = $0.10.To be safe, you need 5k account, to be very safe 10k to wait trend shoot up and come back.By the way, how the commission rate calculate? Myfxbook seem treat it as Withdraw and deposit. Any other Broker got give you micro lot and hedging allow such as InstaForex?
2nd Showcase Account
Obchodné systémy
Sep 07, 2014 at 12:08
Look similar to PowerFlow EA.,2Concept is still using traditional Martingale till not enough money and wait trend come back else MarginCall.Can you tell me what is the Highlight or different of your strategy ?Is the first signal go in Formula or other special feature that make you confidence compare to other Martingale EA.
EA test
Obchodné systémy
Sep 07, 2014 at 11:03
How come demo account got Withdraw , Deposit ?And why it happened so frequent? It is a commission or swap??
Sep 07, 2014 at 11:00
Good Strategy. Still can improve, you write yourself the EA?Can you explain how the logic of your ATR get IN and get OUT ?Purely base on ATR only?And your lot size open base on percentage of Balance or Equity?
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodné systémy
Sep 07, 2014 at 06:28
How you get the Demo to operate 4 years?Normally the broker just expire my demo Acc after few months or a month.The Duration of close can happened within 1 second.Can classified as Arbitrage EA rite ?ThinkForex allow this ? Or any other broker allow you scalp within 1 second?
PowerFlow EA (3rd acc)
Obchodné systémy
Sep 07, 2014 at 04:42
Is there Take Loss Setting? I notice that is just pure Martingale.I notice that your system strategy on AUDNZD is :Leverage fix lot on first 3 level of 20 pips.Then Martingale power 1.6 on next 1 level of 20 pips.Then Martingale power 1.6 on next 3 level of 30 pips.Then Martingale power 1.6 on next 2 level of 40 pips.Then Martingale power 2.0 on next 1 level of 40 pips.Then Martingale power 1.3 on next 1 level of 30 pips.Then Martingale power 2.0 on next 1 level of 30 pips.Then Martingale power 1.0 on next 1 level of 30 pips.Then Martingale power 0.8 on next 1 level of 20 pips.-- So far is the...
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