TTS/TFX Extreme (Live) (Od truestarfx)
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TTS/TFX Extreme (Live) Diskusia

Členom od Mar 28, 2011
942 príspevkov
Jun 15, 2011 at 23:18
(upravené Jun 15, 2011 at 23:18)
Členom od Mar 28, 2011
942 príspevkov
15 trades 48.0pips $146.44
9 trades 47.0pips $188.00
Can you open the history to prove this isn't martingale.
Does it double the lot size after a winning trade and/or increasing lot size when account balance grows?
15 trades 48.0pips $146.44
9 trades 47.0pips $188.00
Can you open the history to prove this isn't martingale.
Does it double the lot size after a winning trade and/or increasing lot size when account balance grows?
Členom od Dec 09, 2010
48 príspevkov
Sep 27, 2011 at 23:30
Členom od Dec 09, 2010
48 príspevkov
No answer here
Keep Thinking or RIP .

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