Praize (Od FxBoom)
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Praize Diskusia
Členom od Nov 15, 2018
3 príspevkov
Nov 16, 2018 at 14:18
Členom od Nov 15, 2018
3 príspevkov
😉Nothing could be as easy as trading your edge when it comes around. I prefer technical manual trading to automated EA. 😂
Patience, Discipline and Consistency.
Členom od Nov 15, 2018
3 príspevkov
Feb 20, 2024 at 17:20
Členom od Nov 15, 2018
3 príspevkov
After several years of searching for an automated trading Robot that can be tested and trusted with our hard-earned money, we finally got WinGrail Algo Trading EA.
WinGrail Algo runs 24/5 on our trading server with no human interference once we set it up. We target 20% to 30% monthly ROI with almost zero DD. WinGrail Algo Trading EA
on best on GBPUUSD with win-win profit.
WinGrail Algo runs 24/5 on our trading server with no human interference once we set it up. We target 20% to 30% monthly ROI with almost zero DD. WinGrail Algo Trading EA
on best on GBPUUSD with win-win profit.
Patience, Discipline and Consistency.

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