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- Obchodné systémy
- Photon Pro 1.0
Photon Pro 1.0 (Od forex_trader_9619)
Používateľ odstránil tento systém.
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Photon Pro 1.0 Diskusia
Členom od May 28, 2011
32 príspevkov
Jun 09, 2011 at 23:10
(upravené Jun 09, 2011 at 23:10)
Členom od May 28, 2011
32 príspevkov
Equity (82.65%) $131.99 -> why is this? Is Photon trading like that or the vendor manipulating results trying o cheat and show better results?
Something He's obviously not being successful at here currently
Something He's obviously not being successful at here currently
Členom od Apr 01, 2010
22 príspevkov
Jun 10, 2011 at 05:32
Členom od Apr 01, 2010
22 príspevkov
:) , Why are you even bothered? This is not for sale, this is Photon Pro! And for your questions, you should ask myfxbook guys why its showing like that.
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