Patrick Poon (NovaFX) (Od fearnot)
Používateľ odstránil tento systém.
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Patrick Poon (NovaFX) Diskusia
Členom od Aug 15, 2023
6 príspevkov
Sep 07, 2023 at 17:18
Členom od Aug 15, 2023
6 príspevkov
Hi! I am new to this and have been watching different systems on myfxbook. You are doing amazing! Are you using an algorithm? a bot? or manually trading? Thank you for sharing anything you are willing to that might help a noob like myself to get into the forex market!
Členom od Sep 07, 2023
1 príspevkov
Sep 11, 2023 at 16:46
Členom od Sep 07, 2023
1 príspevkov
CaseyFall posted:
Hi! I am new to this and have been watching different systems on myfxbook. You are doing amazing! Are you using an algorithm? a bot? or manually trading? Thank you for sharing anything you are willing to that might help a noob like myself to get into the forex market!
Hi there! I am just manually trading :)
Never give up

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