New Hope EA 3.0.0 Evolution - long order (Od grisly)

Zisk : +347.02%
Čerpanie 33.74%
Pipy: 231.0
Obchodníci 69
Typ: Reálny
Páka: 1:1000
Obchodovanie: Automaticky

New Hope EA 3.0.0 Evolution - long order Diskusia

Jan 14, 2015 at 14:10
1,384 Zobrazení
6 Replies
Členom od Jan 23, 2015   1 príspevkov
Jan 24, 2015 at 10:35
Hello, why do I get a different result trading with the exact same system? I used and set it up correctly just like in one of your reports. I have lost a lot of money, please help me. I do not doubt your system but I need help in setting mine up to trade just like yours. You can see my result using your ea by checking my page. I need the ea settings you used to make this same profit. Please send it to me.
Členom od Feb 12, 2015   21 príspevkov
Feb 20, 2015 at 13:17
Hello, Complaint from Echieki was resolved? Why he lost a lot of money. Please answer.
Your life is yours
Členom od Dec 05, 2012   32 príspevkov
Feb 20, 2015 at 13:28
yes. All ok. he install bad setting. Now all ok!
Členom od Feb 12, 2015   21 príspevkov
Feb 21, 2015 at 11:14
I understand. Thank you!
Your life is yours
Členom od Dec 27, 2012   20 príspevkov
Mar 02, 2015 at 21:35

Echieki all ok??
Členom od Dec 15, 2014   27 príspevkov
Mar 03, 2015 at 07:33
Good trade.

How much is your ea?
Členom od Oct 21, 2015   1 príspevkov
Oct 21, 2015 at 07:37
The NEW HOPE EA STOP and never work data feed server is down for long time and no support now
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