Mt4-M-scalper2 (Od Rickyv101)

Používateľ odstránil tento systém.

Mt4-M-scalper2 Diskusia

Mar 29, 2013 at 14:01
653 Zobrazení
1 Replies
Členom od Jun 24, 2012   69 príspevkov
Mar 29, 2013 at 14:14
I do not know how to set up myfxbook, starting date is Mar/20/2013, it is a Real cent account $77377 cents = $773, of for my sister she lose $5000 in manual trading and hoping that she can make money using EA.

She is hoping that she can make 10% per month.

Členom od Jun 24, 2012   69 príspevkov
Mar 29, 2013 at 22:48
Sorry, I transfered money from other account in this account and it show big profit.

This is just normal system making 10% per month system
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