LT-real (Od kilop)
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LT-real Diskusia
Členom od Jul 21, 2010
106 príspevkov
Sep 30, 2010 at 20:15
Členom od Jul 21, 2010
106 príspevkov
good luck and successful trade. What EA are you using?
Členom od Oct 06, 2010
33 príspevkov
Oct 06, 2010 at 16:26
Členom od Oct 06, 2010
33 príspevkov
I'm really interested: managed accounts? conditions? please [email protected] grazie e buona vita
Členom od Oct 11, 2010
4 príspevkov
Oct 11, 2010 at 18:35
Členom od Oct 11, 2010
4 príspevkov
Am interested in managed accounts , [email protected]
Členom od Mar 19, 2010
11 príspevkov
Oct 16, 2010 at 10:21
Členom od Mar 19, 2010
11 príspevkov
About accounts and management there is a licence needed to manage account of third party so right now i put all question about manage any of account to trash , sorry .
Now some word about broker that i used this account was from Liteforex and i saw in last week that money earned by me disappears from my profit so i decided to look closer on transactions and with help from myfxbook support i saw that there was a lot of disappear transactions, so at friday i decided to withdraw all money from this broker .
All contacts with support from liteforex is quite silly they deny to make any change of profit but when i start to write with them on chat support via site hearts disappears amount of 321 $ from profit and on hour after this conversation money returned but support stop talking with me from that monet . They even disconnet chat window when i was writing with them .
So you can see how this support working and hole company.
They didn't pay me my bonus and in every time when i ask for requirements of getting this bonus they say strange things and different amount of lot size that must be make at your account . On website is clearly written 1,2 lots , at firs time they says that i must to make 1,2 lots when i reached this no bonus was added and two days ago when i ask for bonus they says that i must have 120 lots size and day after they says that i must make 116 lots total at my account.
LOL every one witch i talk on support gives me other lots size amount .
In hole week money that disappears form account and I'm sure of that are abut 20-25 % of total profit . :(
After i withdraw some money form them now i got strange "re-quotes" and "you don't have permissions" when i try to open or close some positions so they try to take rest of money to treys pocket.
So if any one want to test any account at Liteforex i sincerely tell you that it is not worth and this is bad idea .
Now some word about broker that i used this account was from Liteforex and i saw in last week that money earned by me disappears from my profit so i decided to look closer on transactions and with help from myfxbook support i saw that there was a lot of disappear transactions, so at friday i decided to withdraw all money from this broker .
All contacts with support from liteforex is quite silly they deny to make any change of profit but when i start to write with them on chat support via site hearts disappears amount of 321 $ from profit and on hour after this conversation money returned but support stop talking with me from that monet . They even disconnet chat window when i was writing with them .
So you can see how this support working and hole company.
They didn't pay me my bonus and in every time when i ask for requirements of getting this bonus they say strange things and different amount of lot size that must be make at your account . On website is clearly written 1,2 lots , at firs time they says that i must to make 1,2 lots when i reached this no bonus was added and two days ago when i ask for bonus they says that i must have 120 lots size and day after they says that i must make 116 lots total at my account.
LOL every one witch i talk on support gives me other lots size amount .
In hole week money that disappears form account and I'm sure of that are abut 20-25 % of total profit . :(
After i withdraw some money form them now i got strange "re-quotes" and "you don't have permissions" when i try to open or close some positions so they try to take rest of money to treys pocket.
So if any one want to test any account at Liteforex i sincerely tell you that it is not worth and this is bad idea .
Členom od Dec 22, 2009
47 príspevkov
Oct 16, 2010 at 10:47
Členom od Dec 22, 2009
47 príspevkov
thanks for the heads up about litefx
Členom od Jul 10, 2010
129 príspevkov
Členom od Dec 22, 2009
47 príspevkov
Členom od Mar 19, 2010
11 príspevkov
Oct 17, 2010 at 08:33
(upravené Oct 17, 2010 at 08:33)
Členom od Mar 19, 2010
11 príspevkov
showbaba posted:
thanks for the heads up about litefx
No problem , now i know that if any one from my friend want to open account at Lite forex I will advise against open account at LiteForex .

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