Joel & Jason (Od bhealed)
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Joel & Jason Diskusia
Členom od Nov 19, 2011
5 príspevkov
Sep 11, 2012 at 12:54
Členom od Nov 19, 2011
5 príspevkov
This is all currently based on % of account trading. The goal of what I am doing right now is collecting data so that I can move the trading into fixed pip. Clearly if I were trading fixed pip right now the account would be negative because of a few losses on the exotic pairs. In roughly another month I will begin to assimilate the information and develop a preliminary plan for trading with fixed pips.
It is theoretically possible that I will not trade certain of the exotics after some more data is collected.
It is theoretically possible that I will not trade certain of the exotics after some more data is collected.
Členom od Nov 19, 2011
5 príspevkov
Sep 13, 2012 at 06:09
Členom od Nov 19, 2011
5 príspevkov
There are limitations to trading a demo account as it only allows 20 pairs at a time so I can not put on some orders. That makes the data a little limited unfortunately.

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