FxPro_MDMax_real (Od fxcbspro)
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FxPro_MDMax_real Diskusia
Členom od Oct 20, 2009
83 príspevkov
May 06, 2010 at 10:15
Členom od Oct 20, 2009
83 príspevkov
Interesting results. Thanks.
Looks like you're running MD 24/7...? Any modifications or special settings?
Thanks in advance.
Looks like you're running MD 24/7...? Any modifications or special settings?
Thanks in advance.
Členom od Oct 20, 2009
83 príspevkov
May 06, 2010 at 10:40
Členom od Oct 20, 2009
83 príspevkov
My bad, I looked at the wrong column (close time). It does seem that you're running MD on extended hours. Me too.
However, our results are very different. If you've done mods, please let me know.
Cheers, San.
However, our results are very different. If you've done mods, please let me know.
Cheers, San.

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