FXpert trade copier (Od fpuschmann)
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FXpert trade copier Diskusia
Členom od Mar 02, 2010
31 príspevkov
Nov 17, 2010 at 22:04
Členom od Mar 02, 2010
31 príspevkov
Nice, I am using Blessing EA too. Which pairs do you trade and what setfiles?
Členom od Oct 09, 2010
56 príspevkov
Nov 18, 2010 at 18:03
(upravené Nov 18, 2010 at 18:04)
Členom od Oct 09, 2010
56 príspevkov
I use blessing with EURUSD and USDJPY on this live account. The setfiles are based on the files from Jasons forum slighty adapted for better risk management. Furthermore this account is for testing some other ea´s before they are used on my main account or not ;) At the moment theese are Piplite (also from Jason), Rancor and an EA based on Robin Hood method.

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