FxCompany-Failed (Od forex_trader_16715)
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FxCompany-Failed Diskusia

Členom od Aug 14, 2010
213 príspevkov
Oct 19, 2010 at 20:21
Členom od Aug 14, 2010
213 príspevkov
2010.10.18 23:43:06 '208197': requote 1.39151 / 1.39164
2010.10.19 00:12:17 '208197': requote 1.38897 / 1.38911
than two Old Ticks
2010.10.19 00:12:17 '208197': requote 1.38897 / 1.38911
than two Old Ticks

Členom od Aug 14, 2010
213 príspevkov
Oct 21, 2010 at 00:21
Členom od Aug 14, 2010
213 príspevkov
Made Withdraw Today-
Withdraw Notice mentioned 5 days before receiving funds.
Once I receive the withdraw and I will do a broker review.
Withdraw Notice mentioned 5 days before receiving funds.
Once I receive the withdraw and I will do a broker review.

Členom od Aug 14, 2010
213 príspevkov
Oct 27, 2010 at 03:16
Členom od Aug 14, 2010
213 príspevkov
Customer Service was 4/5 Stars. Responsive, clear to understand, and handled all my questions and concerns professionally.
Execution 2/5 Stars: The first 7-8 trades were fast and no re-quotes. Once I received my 1st re-quote I continued to receive re-quotes while entering and exiting my positions. Also received "Old Ticks" right after the re-quotes. I would assume they use the MetaTrader Broker Virtual Plugin to prevent scalping. If you are a swing trader, this broker may work for you. If you are a scalper, I would look else where.
Spread 4/5 Stars: Competitive spreads for the short period of testing.
Withdraw: I received my withdraw within the 5 business days as promised. No problems with deposits/Withdraws.
Overall: I didn't feel comfortable trading with this broker after receiving the Requotes/Old Ticks. I pulled my funds, to continue my quest of finding an honest MT4 broker outside the US that accepts US Citizens.
Customer Service was 4/5 Stars. Responsive, clear to understand, and handled all my questions and concerns professionally.
Execution 2/5 Stars: The first 7-8 trades were fast and no re-quotes. Once I received my 1st re-quote I continued to receive re-quotes while entering and exiting my positions. Also received "Old Ticks" right after the re-quotes. I would assume they use the MetaTrader Broker Virtual Plugin to prevent scalping. If you are a swing trader, this broker may work for you. If you are a scalper, I would look else where.
Spread 4/5 Stars: Competitive spreads for the short period of testing.
Withdraw: I received my withdraw within the 5 business days as promised. No problems with deposits/Withdraws.
Overall: I didn't feel comfortable trading with this broker after receiving the Requotes/Old Ticks. I pulled my funds, to continue my quest of finding an honest MT4 broker outside the US that accepts US Citizens.
Členom od Aug 07, 2009
126 príspevkov
Nov 13, 2010 at 04:22
Členom od Aug 07, 2009
126 príspevkov
Managed and PAMM Accounts
Členom od Aug 07, 2009
126 príspevkov
Nov 13, 2010 at 04:35
Členom od Aug 07, 2009
126 príspevkov
Drawdown 60.53%?
Managed and PAMM Accounts

Členom od Aug 14, 2010
213 príspevkov
Nov 13, 2010 at 08:26
Členom od Aug 14, 2010
213 príspevkov
marcelcorzo1 posted:
Drawdown 60.53%?
ok douche. whats your point??

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