FS Time Restricted (Live) (Od rgogin)

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FS Time Restricted (Live) Diskusia

Jan 02, 2020 at 04:06
407 Zobrazení
6 Replies
Členom od Sep 14, 2019   3 príspevkov
Jan 10, 2020 at 01:22
I've been tracking your progress on MyFxBook and also a Forex Steam customers. Can you share your time restriction settings? Thank you. My name is Rob - I am located here in the United States.
Členom od Sep 03, 2019   4 príspevkov
Jan 10, 2020 at 01:50 (upravené Jan 10, 2020 at 01:51)

Yes, of course. I have attached the settings I currently use for the time restricted strategy.



Členom od Sep 14, 2019   3 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2020 at 07:38
Thank you for sharing your settings. How long have you been using Forex Steam and how has the experience been for you?
Členom od Sep 03, 2019   4 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2020 at 07:42


Not a problem. The experience has been pretty good so far. I have had a couple of issues with the EA and some instances of the robot not doing what the settings are configured for.

Even with a very bad down turn last week, the time restricted strategy with and without the break even is performing well.

I've been using the system since October 2019.

Členom od Sep 14, 2019   3 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2020 at 07:57
Thanks for your input - while I was researching between Forex Steam and Forex Fury, your suggestion and your results on the Forex Robot Nation forum, convinced me to go with Forex Steam. Your Myfxbook and also your reply to every one's inquiry convinced me. Thank you for the input it helps out.

Out of curiosity, "couple of issues with the EA and some instances of the robot not doing what the setting are configured for," how did you troubleshoot that? Email [email protected]?

The last time my EA traded was back on January 8, 2020 EUR / USD. I haven's seen any trades since - is that normal with Forex Steam?

Have you traded in the past?

Členom od Sep 03, 2019   4 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2020 at 08:03


The main issue I had which oddly was a good one. My USD-CAD settings were set to T/P 8 and S/L 40. Around once every 10 days a trade would break out of my T/P and make around 80 pips! I did not have any BE or TS settings enabled so I was stumped.

I emailed the forex steam support and they were not able to explain how this is happening. I just recently upgraded to version 10.1 so it will be interesting to see if it happens again.

The EUR-USD trade seems to be a little light, have you changed your max trades settings at all? I set mine from 1 to 5.

I'm currently trying to test as many sensible strategies before I plan on going live. I've been manually trading for around 2 years now solely on the DAX. So I wanted to find something that I could almost drop and leave to generate a passive income hopefully!

Hope this helps.

Členom od Nov 21, 2019   1 príspevkov
Jan 15, 2020 at 15:14
rabidm, you are aware that there has been no activity on this live account since the end of November, right? Also, the FRN forum is completely worthless marketing, if you haven't been able to figure that out.
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