forex777 (Od forex_trader_187674)
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forex777 Diskusia

Členom od Apr 25, 2014
4 príspevkov
May 10, 2014 at 14:37
Členom od Apr 25, 2014
4 príspevkov
i follow my system fx2 and i am very satisfied with it

Členom od Apr 25, 2014
6 príspevkov
Členom od May 09, 2014
3 príspevkov
May 28, 2014 at 12:47
Členom od May 09, 2014
3 príspevkov
How does this tie into your SimpleTrader signal? This is a demo account where as the signal states a live account. Also, what is you max DD?

Členom od Apr 25, 2014
6 príspevkov
May 28, 2014 at 14:07
Členom od Apr 25, 2014
6 príspevkov
you can see my drawdown and my gain in . nobody force you to follow my signal 😄
Členom od May 09, 2014
3 príspevkov
May 28, 2014 at 20:28
Členom od May 09, 2014
3 príspevkov
Just a simple question. You're not going to get anyone following you with that attitude. Just wanted to know why you say live account on SimpleTrader but it is a demo account here?

Členom od Apr 25, 2014
6 príspevkov
May 29, 2014 at 06:33
Členom od Apr 25, 2014
6 príspevkov
i didn't want to ofense you. sorry if you consider so
Členom od Jul 28, 2010
11 príspevkov
May 29, 2014 at 13:28
Členom od Jul 28, 2010
11 príspevkov
can you please answer ScottFx question....we all would like to know the answer.😄

Členom od Apr 25, 2014
6 príspevkov
May 29, 2014 at 13:46
Členom od Apr 25, 2014
6 príspevkov

Členom od Apr 25, 2014
4 príspevkov
May 29, 2014 at 13:55
Členom od Apr 25, 2014
4 príspevkov
i don't care is real or demo or whatever. I make money with this system. keep going mate!

Členom od Apr 25, 2014
4 príspevkov
May 29, 2014 at 13:55
Členom od Apr 25, 2014
4 príspevkov
5676 usd last 7 days of trading. thank you man!
Členom od May 09, 2014
3 príspevkov
May 29, 2014 at 15:07
Členom od May 09, 2014
3 príspevkov
Well, I have been following you over the last week and the results are impressive. Well done anyway.
Členom od Jul 28, 2010
11 príspevkov
May 29, 2014 at 16:07
Členom od Jul 28, 2010
11 príspevkov
I looks like a good system. But traders who trade on demo tend to be more wreckless than traders who actually have their own money on the line.
Členom od Jul 28, 2010
11 príspevkov
May 29, 2014 at 16:15
Členom od Jul 28, 2010
11 príspevkov
claudiu775 posted:
Thanks....I also checked with Phillip in administration with Simple Trader. He verified that it is a real money acct. My suggestion is to fix this discrepancy and you will get many more subs.😀

Členom od Apr 25, 2014
4 príspevkov
May 29, 2014 at 20:03
Členom od Apr 25, 2014
4 príspevkov
a good system is a good system . real or demo account doesn't matter. at least for me is good to make money :)
Členom od Jul 28, 2010
11 príspevkov
Členom od Jan 27, 2013
427 príspevkov
Jun 09, 2014 at 16:41
(upravené Jun 09, 2014 at 16:47)
Členom od Jan 27, 2013
427 príspevkov
Salut Claudiu,
Today was my first day following your signal and I'm not disappointed at all. Keep going on like this.😁
Regarding this "demo" account, I think you made the mistake to choose demo instead of real when you made the setup in Myfxbook. This is the only explanation, for a demo account is nonsense to hide the balance, equity and so on.
La mai mare,
PS: fi mai conciliant cu cei care pun intrebari mai "critice", bineninteles sa nu fie prostii sau din invidie, vezi tu...
Today was my first day following your signal and I'm not disappointed at all. Keep going on like this.😁
Regarding this "demo" account, I think you made the mistake to choose demo instead of real when you made the setup in Myfxbook. This is the only explanation, for a demo account is nonsense to hide the balance, equity and so on.
La mai mare,
PS: fi mai conciliant cu cei care pun intrebari mai "critice", bineninteles sa nu fie prostii sau din invidie, vezi tu...
Členom od Sep 10, 2013
49 príspevkov
Jun 13, 2014 at 08:44
Členom od Sep 10, 2013
49 príspevkov
The right word to define you as trader is:

Členom od Apr 25, 2014
6 príspevkov
Jun 13, 2014 at 13:27
Členom od Apr 25, 2014
6 príspevkov
The right word to define you as human is muppet. As trader i don't know because you are not a trader dude! Trading is not for pussy so take a day job. I can pay you 200$/day to be my car driver!
Členom od Sep 10, 2013
49 príspevkov
Jun 13, 2014 at 13:41
Členom od Sep 10, 2013
49 príspevkov
I doubt you've never seen (and never will) 200$ at a time, considering the country where are you from and the way you ridiculously try to trade the market, dude...
Your latest results speak for theirself, flipping a coin would give you better results, my poor friend!
Ah ah ah...
Your latest results speak for theirself, flipping a coin would give you better results, my poor friend!
Ah ah ah...

Členom od Apr 25, 2014
6 príspevkov
Jun 14, 2014 at 13:42
Členom od Apr 25, 2014
6 príspevkov
at least i have a real picture. and a name.

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