Forex Winning Solution (Od birt)

Zisk : +1.63%
Čerpanie 1.16%
Pipy: 476.3
Obchodníci 72
Typ: Reálny
Páka: 1:100
Obchodovanie: Automaticky

Forex Winning Solution Diskusia

Nov 03, 2011 at 07:56
869 Zobrazení
1 Replies
Členom od Jan 05, 2011   49 príspevkov
Feb 14, 2012 at 07:29
This appears to have stopped trading Birt
Členom od Aug 26, 2009   165 príspevkov
Feb 14, 2012 at 10:51
I haven't noticed that, thanks for pointing it out. That's too bad, it seemed promising.

Anyway, I contacted the vendor today and when (and if) I receive an answer I will relay the info here.
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