FMNS (closed) (Od snowy)

The user has made his system private.

FMNS (closed) Diskusia

Mar 20, 2013 at 16:31
2,378 Zobrazení
34 Replies
Členom od Jul 02, 2012   127 príspevkov
May 19, 2013 at 22:37
Hi snowy. Mind if I ask, have you tried this EA on a demo account and which settings can I use? Also where did you get this EA from and how much does it cost? So far the results have just been brilliant!!
Členom od Aug 07, 2011   78 príspevkov
May 20, 2013 at 08:38
it's a demo with default settings. ea is free until version 3.02:
Členom od Jan 25, 2010   1288 príspevkov
Jun 12, 2013 at 08:17
Very nice snowy 😁
Členom od Jan 17, 2013   25 príspevkov
Jul 02, 2013 at 06:42
snowy wich version is thisone you are fwd testing?

last 3.02 from momods or digger's last version?
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
Členom od Aug 07, 2011   78 príspevkov
Jul 02, 2013 at 06:55
still momod's last v3.02 basic with default settings.
Členom od Jan 17, 2013   25 príspevkov
Jul 11, 2013 at 06:03
whi this acc still alive? stoped for the news?
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
Členom od Aug 07, 2011   78 príspevkov
Jul 11, 2013 at 08:06
Členom od Apr 11, 2013   8 príspevkov
Jul 19, 2013 at 07:02
"don't ask for settings?" :-))
Now don't cry guys,demo results are not real results and will never be.
This could be a great advertising account for the br0ke r;however not jump in or not jump with big account because it wont work.I bet even the creator don't has an real acc. with this br0ke r;or maybee a small one...

Členom od Aug 07, 2011   78 príspevkov
Jul 19, 2013 at 10:26
Neoscalper posted:
"don't ask for settings?" :-))
Now don't cry guys,demo results are not real results and will never be.
This could be a great advertising account for the br0ke r;however not jump in or not jump with big account because it wont work.I bet even the creator don't has an real acc. with this br0ke r;or maybee a small one...

correct. :) except that i have a razor live account, but the trades are different, of course. that's what i tell everybody...
Členom od Jul 28, 2012   3 príspevkov
Jul 26, 2013 at 08:52
snowy posted:
Neoscalper posted:
"don't ask for settings?" :-))
Now don't cry guys,demo results are not real results and will never be.
This could be a great advertising account for the br0ke r;however not jump in or not jump with big account because it wont work.I bet even the creator don't has an real acc. with this br0ke r;or maybee a small one...

correct. :) except that i have a razor live account, but the trades are different, of course. that's what i tell everybody...

true, my trades on a razor live are similar, but much much worse...
Členom od Apr 11, 2013   8 príspevkov
Jul 26, 2013 at 12:43
@snowy Have you tried to copy trades to live?
If yes,how was the result?
Broke r ..................br0ker. :-))
Členom od Aug 07, 2011   78 príspevkov
Jul 26, 2013 at 12:47
yes from pepper to global prime. results were mixed, not the same as on the demo.
Členom od Jan 17, 2013   25 príspevkov
Aug 15, 2013 at 06:31
Hi snowy, I want to know if you are trading this also on a LIVE account? I mean same EA and SAME settings, its the only way this good perfomance can be validated on a live feed/enviroment.


Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
Členom od Aug 07, 2011   78 príspevkov
Aug 15, 2013 at 09:42

in the past i was copying the trades from this demo to my gp live account, cos the performance with the ea directly (old v3.02 basic) on gp was poor. copy-results were also mixed. but since i updated my demos to the recent version by pipdigger (after the news-night on july 10th), i discovered that the performance on global prime was increased a lot! some nights even much better than pepperstone. i watched it a while on demo and since around one week i trade exactly the same setup on my global prime live account. since then it made on the live account even more pips than on this pepper demo in the same period (pepper: 65pips, gp: 86 pips).

so yes, at least for gp live i can say, that the performance is the same, if not even better. you can take a look on my gp demo to get an impression: on this demo there's still the version pre8 running (on live: v1.0 final), but the performance is similar. set the start-date to "11/07/2013 15:00" to cut out the news-night and to get only the trades with the new version by pd.

by the way: i have to thank momods, that he pointed me to my gp demo (of course, he had a different intention 😁), so that i discovered the nice performance with the recent version. without him, i had almost forgotten this demo. ;)

Členom od Jan 17, 2013   25 príspevkov
Aug 15, 2013 at 17:08
you know snowy talking about that... Ive done a lot of backtesting and research and I still getting better results with last free momods 3.02 version (with my own news filter added) than last v1 from PG :S I dont know if Im doing something wrong on the backtests or what.

I do backtestes using Tick Data suite, real spred, slippage simulation, comission charged.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
Členom od Apr 11, 2013   8 príspevkov
Aug 16, 2013 at 14:53
Of course snowys setts are custom not default.
3.02 and last vers. Have same setts for the pairs.Yes still good results for v3.02 for me too(only on demo).
I also added news filter.
So to reproduce his results you need his setts.
Snowy please please share setts ,thanx I 'm waiting pm...:-))
I did it for you.
Well till waiting snowy's pm you could start your optimization,now thats take a lot of time and hard work of course.
Good luck!
Členom od Aug 07, 2011   78 príspevkov
Aug 16, 2013 at 15:40 could start your optimization,now thats take a lot of time and hard work of course.

exactly that's one of the reasons, why i don't publish those settings. it's hard, time-extensive work. but quite more important: i see no benefit in spreading settings around the world, so that everyone trades the same during low liquidity session. so, invest 79 bucks in tickdata suite, get the tickdata and start finding your own settings. it's not magic. in the thread at wwi there's even a detailed description how to optimize the settings.

you will be rewarded and the $$ for tickdata suite is faster back in your pockets as you can say: "please give me your settings". ;)
Členom od Jan 25, 2010   1288 príspevkov
Aug 16, 2013 at 17:03
1. "don't ask for settings" only encourages pps to ask (reverse psychology) 😝
2. This is demo, so of course results will look good. Try to achieve these results in a real account. 😉

Just saying... 😎
Členom od Aug 07, 2011   78 príspevkov
Aug 16, 2013 at 17:09
BluePanther posted:
1. "don't ask for settings" only encourages pps to ask (reverse psychology) 😝

i know. but it's working better than the non-reverse psychology. and i feel free to ignore requests. :P

BluePanther posted:
2. This is demo, so of course results will look good. Try to achieve these results in a real account. 😉
Just saying... 😎

i trade the ea live "directly" only since last week. results were better than on this demo during this period.
Členom od Jan 25, 2010   1288 príspevkov
Aug 16, 2013 at 17:14
snowy posted:
BluePanther posted:
1. "don't ask for settings" only encourages pps to ask (reverse psychology) 😝

i know. but it's working better than the non-reverse psychology. and i feel free to ignore requests. :P

BluePanther posted:
2. This is demo, so of course results will look good. Try to achieve these results in a real account. 😉
Just saying... 😎

i trade the ea live "directly" only since last week. results were better than on this demo during this period.

1. lol okay. 😁
2. Care to share please? Real stats have more weight than demo by far! 😀
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