Flashing Trading1.0 (Od myfx86)
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Flashing Trading1.0 Diskusia
Členom od Apr 17, 2012
2 príspevkov
Jun 08, 2012 at 08:04
Členom od Apr 17, 2012
2 príspevkov
Welcome eveyone contact me trade with my EA, free to test platform( You must open an real account under My advice), but share profit with me as 50:50.
Členom od Apr 17, 2012
2 príspevkov
Jun 08, 2012 at 08:04
Členom od Apr 17, 2012
2 príspevkov
contact me at myfx86 at hotmail.com
Členom od Jan 16, 2012
4 príspevkov
Aug 07, 2012 at 08:13
Členom od Jan 16, 2012
4 príspevkov
plz show your real and confirmed account , and FXCH is scam broker. and if you has a holy grail , why do you need other to attend to your PAMM, lol so If you can confirm your real account ?

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