Zisk : | +13.0% |
Čerpanie | 16.56% |
Pipy: | 209.3 |
Obchodníci | 409 |
Vyhrané: |
Prehrané: |
Typ: | Reálny |
Páka: | 1:100 |
Obchodovanie: | Automaticky |
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FAPTURBO_ICHIMOKU_aggressive Diskusia
Členom od Aug 27, 2009
31 príspevkov
Dec 17, 2011 at 04:43
Členom od Aug 27, 2009
31 príspevkov
do you use MM ? If yes, by default at 5% on each pair ?
do you use MM ? If yes, by default at 5% on each pair ?
Členom od Dec 07, 2009
134 príspevkov
Jan 11, 2012 at 01:04
Členom od Dec 07, 2009
134 príspevkov
It is at 3% MM.
Be afraid, very afraid?
Členom od Sep 01, 2011
29 príspevkov
Členom od Sep 01, 2011
29 príspevkov
Členom od May 26, 2011
9 príspevkov
Jan 22, 2012 at 04:41
Členom od May 26, 2011
9 príspevkov
Have you tried MM:y, LRR: 25, Aggressive:y for all pairs?
Členom od Dec 07, 2009
134 príspevkov
Jan 22, 2012 at 15:26
Členom od Dec 07, 2009
134 príspevkov
What kind of fool would put that high of risk on a large real money account using an EA?
Be afraid, very afraid?
Členom od May 26, 2011
9 príspevkov
Jan 22, 2012 at 22:10
Členom od May 26, 2011
9 príspevkov
So your answer is no.
The default LRR for Ichimoku is 5.
Does "It is at 3% MM" mean that your LRR is at 3? You clearly do not want to go as high as 25.
The default LRR for Ichimoku is 5.
Does "It is at 3% MM" mean that your LRR is at 3? You clearly do not want to go as high as 25.
Členom od Dec 07, 2009
134 príspevkov
Jan 22, 2012 at 22:19
Členom od Dec 07, 2009
134 príspevkov
It is not my account but I do know that Mike from FAP Turbo has it at 3% with aggressive "true". 25% would suck up huge equity even at 500:1 leverage and possibly blow the account. On this EA 2% means the actual risk to the account and not the amount of equity being used and so to risk 25% of the account with tight stops that it uses would most certainly destroy the account.
Be afraid, very afraid?
Členom od May 26, 2011
9 príspevkov
Jan 22, 2012 at 23:36
Členom od May 26, 2011
9 príspevkov
Here are a few of the losses...
10/14/2011, 00:42 @ -2.65%
10/14/2011, 02:54 @ -2.24%
10/18/2011, 02:35 @ -2.67%
10/25/2011, 00:22 @ -2.73%
10/25/2011, 04:33 @ -2.64%
It seems that at an average this account would lose, at most, 2.5% on any single trade. Combine that with a 91% win ratio and this system looks really good.
10/14/2011, 00:42 @ -2.65%
10/14/2011, 02:54 @ -2.24%
10/18/2011, 02:35 @ -2.67%
10/25/2011, 00:22 @ -2.73%
10/25/2011, 04:33 @ -2.64%
It seems that at an average this account would lose, at most, 2.5% on any single trade. Combine that with a 91% win ratio and this system looks really good.
Členom od May 26, 2011
9 príspevkov
Feb 17, 2012 at 05:16
Členom od May 26, 2011
9 príspevkov
Any ideas when this drawdown is expected to reverse? I'm already counting the months of January and February as losses.
Členom od Dec 07, 2009
134 príspevkov
May 01, 2012 at 12:26
Členom od Dec 07, 2009
134 príspevkov
Looks like the poor win vs. loss ratio is the undoing of this robot. Too bad after such a hopeful start.
Be afraid, very afraid?

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