EA Boss (Od forexrobot)
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EA Boss Diskusia
Členom od Apr 05, 2010
49 príspevkov
Jun 05, 2010 at 05:20
Členom od Apr 05, 2010
49 príspevkov
can you let me know which broker you r using?
can you let me know which broker you r using?
Make $$$
Členom od Apr 15, 2010
1 príspevkov
Jun 05, 2010 at 07:49
Členom od Apr 15, 2010
1 príspevkov
Sure. Im an Introducing Broker of FXCM, ALpari and Interactive Brokers. The bst execution and price (20.000 USD and up) is IB. Alpari dont leave ti live scalp robots. FXCM its working good, but sometimes the spreads are too high.
Sure. Im an Introducing Broker of FXCM, ALpari and Interactive Brokers. The bst execution and price (20.000 USD and up) is IB. Alpari dont leave ti live scalp robots. FXCM its working good, but sometimes the spreads are too high.
Členom od Apr 20, 2010
808 príspevkov
Jun 05, 2010 at 09:39
Členom od Apr 20, 2010
808 príspevkov
Look very good, better than FapTurbo.
So EA boss is using the same code of Fapturbo with some modification rite ?
So EA boss is using the same code of Fapturbo with some modification rite ?
Information is Gold when come to organised.

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