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- DOXA SUB project
DOXA SUB project (Od rockerbox)
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DOXA SUB project Diskusia
Členom od Dec 14, 2009
6 príspevkov
Jan 08, 2010 at 03:16
Členom od Dec 14, 2009
6 príspevkov
This looks very impressive. 160 of 165 trades won, 29,774 pips in 8 days. How in the world do you get those kind of results. I have been trading forex for a couple years and have lost a lot of money in blown accounts and a lot of money on worthless forex systems. Never have I seen anything with the results you are showing. What type of system are you using. Post all the information that you can, I would like to discuss this with you more. Thanks.
This looks very impressive. 160 of 165 trades won, 29,774 pips in 8 days. How in the world do you get those kind of results. I have been trading forex for a couple years and have lost a lot of money in blown accounts and a lot of money on worthless forex systems. Never have I seen anything with the results you are showing. What type of system are you using. Post all the information that you can, I would like to discuss this with you more. Thanks.
Členom od Nov 15, 2009
1 príspevkov
Jan 08, 2010 at 15:52
Členom od Nov 15, 2009
1 príspevkov
Hi there, Sorry to disappoint you but it's not so impressive as it might look like. There is 43% unrealised loss which is not show.
I might make it public a well. nothing to hide there.
I might make it public a well. nothing to hide there.
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