Core V200.A (Od Darren2013T)

Používateľ odstránil tento systém.

Core V200.A Diskusia

Apr 06, 2014 at 13:39
418 Zobrazení
2 Replies
Členom od Jun 03, 2013   79 príspevkov
Apr 14, 2014 at 15:29
EA error is fixed. Trading result before 11 APR 2014 can be ignored.

For more info about this EA, please check
Členom od Jun 03, 2013   79 príspevkov
Apr 15, 2014 at 10:20 (upravené Apr 15, 2014 at 10:26)
Took few years to finish my analysis and research. Finally it is time to publish my personal EA. All is about mathematics, works with smaller spread. It doesn't matter how is the market movement/scenario

Now you can get 8% payoff from sales!

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Členom od Jun 03, 2013   79 príspevkov
Apr 23, 2014 at 23:56 (upravené Apr 24, 2014 at 00:26)
The EA close the positions in lose trades, good example to show how it handle worst case scenarios for not to blow up the account. As the system didn't purchase more lots but to stop the system once it achieve a certain risk level. Let see how this account is still able to make money in future.

*This system is not advisable to trade on Monday, Friday and public holidays. And the initial lot size should be 0.02. (All informations have been mentioned earlier under the link above). The purpose of this system performance is to show how it deal with different scenarios, so i am expecting more worst case scenarios are coming through.
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