The Channel Scalper (FINISHED) (Od db1986)
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The Channel Scalper (FINISHED) Diskusia
Členom od Nov 14, 2009
2 príspevkov
Apr 25, 2010 at 22:38
Členom od Nov 14, 2009
2 príspevkov
System has finished testing.
8:39 AM, Melbourne Australia Time.
8:39 AM, Melbourne Australia Time.
Členom od Apr 20, 2010
808 príspevkov
Apr 26, 2010 at 05:47
(upravené Apr 26, 2010 at 05:47)
Členom od Apr 20, 2010
808 príspevkov
Wow.. U lazy to use back test, but hardworking to use demo forward test.
1. ) Should set to fix lot 0.1, if want to find out which pair perform better.
2. ) Capital put 100k.
3. ) Different setting of scalp reward ration : 10/70 , 15/70 ( This can find out on back test. )
Please redo the testing. Thank Q !
1. ) Should set to fix lot 0.1, if want to find out which pair perform better.
2. ) Capital put 100k.
3. ) Different setting of scalp reward ration : 10/70 , 15/70 ( This can find out on back test. )
Please redo the testing. Thank Q !
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