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- cacus_Maccimo_v2
cacus_Maccimo_v2 (Od cacus)
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cacus_Maccimo_v2 Diskusia
Členom od Sep 20, 2009
15 príspevkov
Feb 28, 2010 at 13:46
Členom od Sep 20, 2009
15 príspevkov
Very nice results, this is one my favourite EAs. Is there a manual available for it? I would like to run backtests and optimization on 5-6 currencypairs to find the best settings.
Členom od Aug 20, 2009
119 príspevkov
Mar 01, 2010 at 00:55
Členom od Aug 20, 2009
119 príspevkov
Sorry but no, i've decided to stop sharing my EAs and projects due to low retribution and some ripoffs...
By 'retibution' i mean at least 'Thank you' and at least some colaboration in the making...
So, now i keep all my projects for my personal trading.
My apologies.
Have a nice week.
By 'retibution' i mean at least 'Thank you' and at least some colaboration in the making...
So, now i keep all my projects for my personal trading.
My apologies.
Have a nice week.
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