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- c0deZ
c0deZ (Od c0deZ)
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c0deZ Diskusia
Členom od Sep 30, 2009
2 príspevkov
Oct 07, 2009 at 13:55
Členom od Sep 30, 2009
2 príspevkov
Hello Codez, interesting system, can you tell me more about this ? Thank you
Členom od Sep 10, 2009
4 príspevkov
Oct 07, 2009 at 15:45
Členom od Sep 10, 2009
4 príspevkov
It's an EA I'm currently working on. Some trades are made manually while others are made by the ea.
It's called Rogue Trader, the one out to the public just does Eur/USd on M1. I've released the code so you can revise as you wish, but you will need to search for it.
The current version I will not release and am still in the testing stages.
It's called Rogue Trader, the one out to the public just does Eur/USd on M1. I've released the code so you can revise as you wish, but you will need to search for it.
The current version I will not release and am still in the testing stages.
Členom od Sep 10, 2009
4 príspevkov
Nov 06, 2009 at 15:05
Členom od Sep 10, 2009
4 príspevkov
It's been a horrible end for this week. My comp crashed, too many delays, invalid prices and re-quotes; which resulted in what yo see above :(
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