BrianR-MD (Od BrianR)
Zisk : | +89.08% |
Čerpanie | 19.80% |
Pipy: | 681.7 |
Obchodníci | 167 |
Vyhrané: |
Prehrané: |
Typ: | Reálny |
Páka: | - |
Obchodovanie: | Automaticky |
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BrianR-MD Diskusia

Členom od Jul 29, 2010
12 príspevkov
Oct 22, 2010 at 09:51
Členom od Jul 29, 2010
12 príspevkov
hello would have L kindness to specify itself me if C is megadroid thank you infinitely for your answe
Členom od Apr 30, 2010
3 príspevkov
Oct 22, 2010 at 13:57
Členom od Apr 30, 2010
3 príspevkov
Hi Ramirez,
I am not sure what your question is.
The trades are by Megadroid and only Megadroid.. This is the original Megadroid that I bought in May of 2009.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
I am not sure what your question is.
The trades are by Megadroid and only Megadroid.. This is the original Megadroid that I bought in May of 2009.
Let me know if you have any other questions.

Členom od Jul 29, 2010
12 príspevkov
Oct 24, 2010 at 19:55
Členom od Jul 29, 2010
12 príspevkov
hello afflicted for my English, is I translate with google of French has L English mercy D to have answered, which your RISK? and summers does also interest you by D different pairs? thank you will ramirez
Členom od Apr 30, 2010
3 príspevkov
Oct 24, 2010 at 21:16
Členom od Apr 30, 2010
3 príspevkov
my risk level is .2 as set in MegaDroid. Do you have megadroid?

Členom od Jul 29, 2010
12 príspevkov
Oct 25, 2010 at 16:41
Členom od Jul 29, 2010
12 príspevkov
hello you known as that your RISK is 0.2 C is that? yes J have megadroid, J succeeded has to make it function in multipaire, currently it is in test, imagine the output if there are 4 a6 trades per day! is N this marvellous step? in a few weeks I finish the tests.
Členom od Apr 30, 2010
3 príspevkov
Oct 29, 2010 at 15:23
Členom od Apr 30, 2010
3 príspevkov
.2 is correct. It would be very good if it had 4-6 trades per day. I would be very interested to see that!

Členom od Jul 29, 2010
12 príspevkov
Nov 17, 2010 at 08:16
Členom od Jul 29, 2010
12 príspevkov
hello!here the result of last the tests, here my email( [email protected]) you will grow rich, and I wish you happiness

Členom od Jul 29, 2010
12 príspevkov
Nov 17, 2010 at 08:17
Členom od Jul 29, 2010
12 príspevkov

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