Bogie-DoubleDown-v4 (Od wackena)
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Bogie-DoubleDown-v4 Diskusia
Členom od Mar 11, 2010
3 príspevkov
May 21, 2010 at 02:33
Členom od Mar 11, 2010
3 príspevkov
Hello Mr Wackena,
I have been forward testing your EA on a demo acct for a month now. I know that that isn't long enough to say that I have figured out the solution to your EA, but since then, I have gained almost 13%. I made a few adjustments to the EA, such as: trading only on EURUSD, 1:400, @1%.
In order to get it to work, along the way I had to manually TP (take profit). So I was wondering if you could pls add a coding to the existing EA (v4f) that would do that for us. For instance, after the 2nd order has been placed, tell the EA to TP@15-20pips from when the 2nd order has been placed, for both open orders. Again, in the instance where the EA place 3 orders, tell the EA to TP@15-20pips from when the 2nd order has been placed, for all 3 open orders. Same as for the 4th order, tell the EA to TP@15-20pips from when the 3rd order has been placed, for all 4 open orders. Thus far, that has been working well for me w/ your v4f.
If it is not much to ask, could you pls publish it once you are done? Thanks in advance.
I have been forward testing your EA on a demo acct for a month now. I know that that isn't long enough to say that I have figured out the solution to your EA, but since then, I have gained almost 13%. I made a few adjustments to the EA, such as: trading only on EURUSD, 1:400, @1%.
In order to get it to work, along the way I had to manually TP (take profit). So I was wondering if you could pls add a coding to the existing EA (v4f) that would do that for us. For instance, after the 2nd order has been placed, tell the EA to TP@15-20pips from when the 2nd order has been placed, for both open orders. Again, in the instance where the EA place 3 orders, tell the EA to TP@15-20pips from when the 2nd order has been placed, for all 3 open orders. Same as for the 4th order, tell the EA to TP@15-20pips from when the 3rd order has been placed, for all 4 open orders. Thus far, that has been working well for me w/ your v4f.
If it is not much to ask, could you pls publish it once you are done? Thanks in advance.
Trade Along
Členom od Mar 11, 2010
3 príspevkov
May 24, 2010 at 02:22
Členom od Mar 11, 2010
3 príspevkov
Hello Mr Wackena,
Can I pls have your permission to make adjustments to your existing EA? Thanks in advance.
Can I pls have your permission to make adjustments to your existing EA? Thanks in advance.
Trade Along
Členom od Sep 23, 2009
125 príspevkov
May 25, 2010 at 17:54
Členom od Sep 23, 2009
125 príspevkov
IIEnigma posted:
Hello Mr Wackena,
Can I pls have your permission to make adjustments to your existing EA? Thanks in advance.
Hello, The current Bogie-Doubledown EA is not publicly available. The previous Bogie_HedgeHog EAs are public and free to use or adjust as you see fit.
"Steady Equity Growth" is the name of the game.

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