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- Alpari Demo
Alpari Demo (Od forex_trader_7321)
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Alpari Demo Diskusia
Členom od Oct 28, 2009
1435 príspevkov
Feb 25, 2010 at 11:54
Členom od Oct 28, 2009
1435 príspevkov
Nice trading, what technical indicators do you use?
11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
Členom od Oct 28, 2009
78 príspevkov
Feb 25, 2010 at 13:27
Členom od Oct 28, 2009
78 príspevkov
Looks impressing. I wonder how it will go when you switch to live account.
Členom od Feb 17, 2010
3 príspevkov
Feb 25, 2010 at 15:42
Členom od Feb 17, 2010
3 príspevkov
No technical indicators, I trade completely ‘naked’ from hourly charts. The trading here actually represents only 4 days worth of trading; I was (actually still am – leaving in about an hour) in hospital for the other two and only did trades here and there from Metatrader mobile with the trade manager running at home on the same account.
In so far as a live account is concerned. Been doing this for the past 6 years on a live account. I run an online trading group and all trades are posted live in the Skype chat room as they are taken. Been going on like this for the past 8 months on Skype with the same consistent performance.
In so far as a live account is concerned. Been doing this for the past 6 years on a live account. I run an online trading group and all trades are posted live in the Skype chat room as they are taken. Been going on like this for the past 8 months on Skype with the same consistent performance.
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