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- 4xRace
4xRace (Od metatraderea)
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4xRace Diskusia
Členom od Sep 04, 2009
5 príspevkov
Oct 29, 2009 at 09:03
Členom od Sep 04, 2009
5 príspevkov
My openings are ok but I need to find correct 'close' of my trades. Working on it ;)
My openings are ok but I need to find correct 'close' of my trades. Working on it ;)
Don't fight the tape. If the general market trend is one way, do not trade against it.
Členom od Sep 04, 2009
5 príspevkov
Jan 19, 2010 at 14:20
Členom od Sep 04, 2009
5 príspevkov
I think I found my closing now ;) Guess when I solve my problems ...
I think I found my closing now ;) Guess when I solve my problems ...
Don't fight the tape. If the general market trend is one way, do not trade against it.
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