3WAY2WIN - REAL (Od tradergo)

Zisk : +91.76%
Čerpanie 16.79%
Pipy: 1213.9
Obchodníci 82
Typ: Reálny
Páka: 1:100
Obchodovanie: Automaticky

3WAY2WIN - REAL Diskusia

Feb 21, 2012 at 10:44
1,002 Zobrazení
3 Replies
Členom od May 18, 2011   1 príspevkov
Nov 21, 2012 at 16:44
who is following our EA and who actually already is using it ?
Of our early users, some are very happy and have made 100% the same trade we have and they are looking at at close to 100% profit in 2012. Looking forward to an interesting discussion.

4 H based, trend following
Členom od Nov 29, 2012   1 príspevkov
Dec 17, 2012 at 18:00
Hi david,

can you explain some more about yr system...??

and is it available to the public ?



never surrender!
Členom od Dec 04, 2010   1447 príspevkov
Apr 07, 2013 at 14:16
interesting EA. Any reason why lot sizes are hidden? It's good to be able to see this when analyzing EAs for martingale strategies etc.
Členom od Dec 04, 2010   1447 príspevkov
Apr 07, 2013 at 14:30
Also have the problems mention on donna forex forum with missing SL and TP values been resolved now? thanks
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