2095354 (Od pittip)
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2095354 Diskusia
Členom od Jan 03, 2013
5 príspevkov
Mar 05, 2013 at 14:46
Členom od Jan 03, 2013
5 príspevkov
found a way to trade more efficiently with reinforced protection from strong subsidence, as the method used to trade me safe from the drawdown if there is a desire to keep the long-term portfolio
less is better, but qualitatively
Členom od Jan 03, 2013
5 príspevkov
Mar 06, 2013 at 11:33
Členom od Jan 03, 2013
5 príspevkov
invest in my account do not ask, I'm just experimenting with mathematical models ralichnye market, forex is a good platform for testing
less is better, but qualitatively

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