$200 To $3.5 Million Robot (Od forex_trader_688022)
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$200 To $3.5 Million Robot Diskusia
Členom od Mar 30, 2024
1 príspevkov
Členom od Nov 22, 2020
7 príspevkov
Mar 31, 2024 at 13:33
(upravené Mar 31, 2024 at 13:41)
Členom od Nov 22, 2020
7 príspevkov
the owner of this hft EA will not say the name! EA is useless on real accounts!
use your brain! If these kind of EA would work on real accounts, we would have many Billionairs more every month in the world.
Besides, the demo account owner would have no reason to sell the EA anyway!
His entire family and friends would already be billionaires and he wouldn't neet to.
use your brain! If these kind of EA would work on real accounts, we would have many Billionairs more every month in the world.
Besides, the demo account owner would have no reason to sell the EA anyway!
His entire family and friends would already be billionaires and he wouldn't neet to.

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