Slow, but steady (sort of...) (Od GridsForPips)
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Slow, but steady (sort of...) Diskusia
Členom od Jun 16, 2010
198 príspevkov
Jun 26, 2010 at 22:45
Členom od Jun 16, 2010
198 príspevkov
Doesn't the site state that it takes about 60 secs. to analyze a test? Or is approx 1 million tickets just a little too many to manage for their servers? 😇
Always get cashback -
Členom od Jun 16, 2010
198 príspevkov
Jun 26, 2010 at 23:15
Členom od Jun 16, 2010
198 príspevkov
Screendump taken at the end of the test:

Notice especially the "Lowest Equity%"-value, which is programmed like this:
if(AccountBalance()>HighBalance) HighBalance=AccountBalance();
Lots of small trades, I know, but the point is, ZERO DD!!

Notice especially the "Lowest Equity%"-value, which is programmed like this:
if(AccountBalance()>HighBalance) HighBalance=AccountBalance();
Lots of small trades, I know, but the point is, ZERO DD!!
Always get cashback -

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