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Trading Systems
May 07, 2011 at 03:08
would you share your strategy?
$25 to $25k in 10 days
Trading Systems
May 05, 2011 at 23:26
$200 to $1,000,00?0
New Traders
May 05, 2011 at 23:14
Hey Pip Rider, thanks for your support, have a look at the trading systems thread here...http://www.myfxbook.com/community/trading-systems/25-25k-10-days/108433,1hopefully some of the answers you looking for are there :)happy huntingpsy
$25 to $25k in 10 days
Trading Systems
May 05, 2011 at 12:51
hi daCoops, because i'm starting with only $25 it limits the pairs i can open, for example with 500:1 leverage GBPUSD costs about $32.94 and gives back $1 per pip, obviously i cant afford to open a single position.the NZDJPY however costs 15.7 and gives back $1.25per pip. so its cheaper to open and can make you more money, the catch is that volitility is not great, so for this challenge i needed a balance between cheap and good volatility, which the AUDUSD has.As i trade the AUDUSD for real i all ready have a sense of whats going on with the pair, and dont have to do any extra homework on ...
$25 to $25k in 10 days
Trading Systems
May 05, 2011 at 11:39
hi, alienek, the charts not as complicated as you think, once you start to break it down, but yeah there is a lot of information on there!the vertical dotted blue lines are my previous trades and next to them is an arrow giving direction, the horisontal red and purple lines are daily pivot points, ]the diaganal white lines are trend channelsthe yellow diagonal lines are a simple zig zag, and the smaller red line is part of the zup indicator.the yellow numbers are from zup and are simply fib numbers with dotted blue lines.then just for good measure i have bollingerbands.in the lower window is a...
Why I'm Proud of Myself (Now)
New Traders
May 05, 2011 at 02:12
Thats great to hear, I don't think that anyone who trades ever stops learning; constant evolution in ones system, recognizing old and new emotional pitfalls and avoiding them, etc etc. I don't think that i'll ever feel like a veteran trader, just because the more i learn the less i realize i know!Congratulations on a great week, are you give your self a long weekend? psy
$25 to $25k in 10 days
Trading Systems
May 05, 2011 at 01:51
just thought i'd share my AUDUSD 1h chart for anyone who's interested...
$25 to $25k in 10 days
Trading Systems
May 05, 2011 at 01:40
All right, i'm back in the game. a real quick short before the retail sales, but i should have had a sell limit order in at tp. might just have to save that for the nfp tomorrow.have a great day allpsy
$25 to $25k in 10 trades
New Traders
May 04, 2011 at 12:42
HI light, yeah pulled the stupidest trade ever today! the system works, its just the human element thats subject to failure! it was emotional, as vinney jones once said. i learned a lot and made some new mistakes that i'll not be repeating.the admins have very politely asked me to keep these posts in the trading system section, so if ya want to follow the failures of another trader have a look at the system discussion.thx for postingpsy
$25 to $25k in 10 days
Trading Systems
May 04, 2011 at 08:22
i'm going to withdraw $28 so i start with a clean sheet, so as soon as my broker takes it out its game on! maybe not tonight, going out to celebrate! lolz. probably get back onto it tomorrow afternoon, thurs & fri this week, thats enough time to finish it lmao.Thanks for the support guys, this wouldn't be half the fun without you.psy
$25 to $25k in 10 trades
New Traders
May 04, 2011 at 07:27
Ok so here's the deal, as far as i know this has never been done, and i know that its highly unlikely that i'll ever make it, but i thought i'd better start my own thread about it.the rules are simple$25 starting balance, $25000 target10 trades in 10 days or LESS.double the volume with every trade (.1, .2, .4, .8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 12.8, 25.6, 51.2)target for each trade 25 pips or Margin call (250 pips total)Link to the trading profile - http://www.myfxbook.com/members/psymon/25-25k-10-days/102369 Please note that this is NOT how to trade a regular account, its a bit of fun to take th...
$25 to $25k in 10 days
Trading Systems
May 04, 2011 at 07:08
Ok, I've had a quick analysis and i'm going to change the rules, just to make it a little easier 😉$25 to $25 in 10 trades in 10 days or LESS, (allowing me to make more than 1 trade a day).double up on volume with each trade. (.1, .2, .4, .8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 12.8, 25.6, 51.2)25 pip target on each trade or margin call.AUD USD only.Lets make some history...
$25 to $25k in 10 days
Trading Systems
May 04, 2011 at 06:39
Hey all, Sorry.I'm kinda bummed out about it but ya know what i learned a shit load in the last 6 days, about the emotions that come with trading real money, about patients and of course the joy of just getting it right. and i still broke even!!!Back to the drawing board and lets start again tomorrow...
$25 to $25k in 10 days
Trading Systems
May 04, 2011 at 05:23
I think i just tanked the account! got impaicent and pulled the trigger waaaaayyy too soon! short the AUDUSD .0818, it gives me about 15 to 20 pips to move and its all ready -10.ahh well lets try again next week!psy
$25 to $25k in 10 days
Trading Systems
May 04, 2011 at 03:12
morning h, This is another account that i have, but i use the same setup as the challenge. (short term trending)Yup, first trade was confirmed by stoch, also there must be 2 lines or more from zup, and there has to be one candle between zigzag and entry, macd on any chart higher than 15m must conf trend direction. there was also a double top on the 30 min chart.the second trade was entered on stoch movement, and zigzag conf, the stoch (1m) went 10 to 90 with only a 10pip move, this indicates further down trend. i have been expecting a pull back to around the 61.8 fib (1.0802) level which has i...
$25 to $25k in 10 days
Trading Systems
May 04, 2011 at 00:55
morning all, here is my entry chart for the audusd. any questions please feel free. the tp for the first trade was just triggered.
$200 to $1,000,00?0
New Traders
May 03, 2011 at 07:46
5 down 5 to go...
$25 to $25k in 10 days
Trading Systems
May 03, 2011 at 07:40
this is as far as i've ever got before in real, done it a couple of times in demo, this is kinda the first time i've taken it seriously, and i'd like to think that i'm a better trader now than ever before! to take out $25 would be against the rules! that early trade where i messed up the tp is bugging the hell outa me allready lolzfrom this point on its going to get harder and harder to not second guess myself and or hesitate, just because of the amount of money involved in each trade.either way by the end of the week i'll have 0 or $6800 and thats fine by me!😲
$25 to $25k in 10 days
Trading Systems
May 03, 2011 at 07:01
5 down 5 to go...
$200 to $1,000,00?0
New Traders
May 02, 2011 at 02:54
4 down 6 to go...
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