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Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Sep 10, 2012 at 06:37
One point - see the White backgrounf GBPUSD graph ... look at the double arrow there .. ( the pink and red one above it), one is a confirming arrow for a major change in trend ( pink), the other one is a version of the fractals indicator, you can see the ups and downs all over the place on both the charts, but unless it has the confirming one I ignore them. I have a STOCH and a MACD on that as well, pretty standard stuff really, apart from the lines on top of the bars, they are very special, the red line is used for moving stop losses up ( blue line when selling) and the dotted channels are u...
Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Sep 10, 2012 at 06:30
In case anyone is wondering about the JPY trades this morning, I was looking at a very old thread regarding Ichimoku over the weekend and have adapted a 4 hour EA and changed it to a 15 mins chart one and am live testing it with one trade for £0.05 on 3 pairs. I also have a USDCHF martingale trade still open, it is up to 3 levels this morning, its a bit slower than EURUSD, hopefully it will be ok, I will check setups later and see.
Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Sep 10, 2012 at 06:27
The shot shows the EURUSD and GBPUSD this morning, the arrows at the top of the trend were there at close on Friday, the market status was also there.I did NOT say I did not know how to manual trade OR analyse the market, I just do not have the time or the patience for watching it all day on multiple currencies of timeframes, that does not mean that I couldn't. I could and have done so - my record being 10x profits in one day, but I was exhausted and very nervous afterwards lol 😁
Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Sep 10, 2012 at 06:21
So, well after worrying over the weekend, I left my account alone and the trade closed, even though the Frdiay trades should a) not have opened, at all if my coding to restrict it was in the right place and b) backtests confirmed that it would have closed if funds were in place at time trades opened.That said, there WAS a good reaon for leaving my account at risk, I attach a screenshot ( if I can here) few of my charts to show why analuyses revealed at turning point on Friday that meant my type of robots would be able to successfully close this morning...
Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Sep 08, 2012 at 00:14
So this looks like a 4 level only martingale over the short term, the 5th level is for that one time when market waves get bigger.Although on the surface my system appears dangerous, it really has been developed to be as quick and as safe as possible, I have tried to make ti a) not open trades and b) close them as soon as possible, it's more an acknowledgement that I am not in control of the market, that in fact even though the indicators say to trade that it can change, due to the elliot wave nature of the forex market this strategy works, sure it is called a martingale, sure it opens a f...
Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Sep 08, 2012 at 00:13
Ok, so the tests on GBPUSD are coming in as follows ..On a $100 account ... Profit $11.7%, Trades =101, Max Drawdown = 3.79%, Max Levels Used = 4 (Allowed 5 ), start lots = $0-.02On a $25 account, drawdown comes out around 6%, as it is simply not possible to make the starting trade size smaller than $0.01.
Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Sep 07, 2012 at 23:45
OK, so one of the things I am most determined to emphasise {constantly - I know :) }, is that this is a test, this is not a serious attempt to "make money" today ok. Bearing this in mind, after starting these tests today, during backtesting tonight I noticed a couple of quite serious differences in todays trades and tests, firstly due to funds coming in in a couple of parts, so trade start sizes wre to small and secondly as the EA should not have openned the trade at all as it was Friday.I am pleased to say that if funds had arrived these trades would have all closed, albiet with 12...
Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Sep 07, 2012 at 22:10
Nice results.I see that you trade one pair, you use 20 cents [0.02 lots] starting lot size , on a $10,000 account, with 25-45 pips(approx) between each new level.To compare:-- I am using 4 pairs, with each able to open 2-3 separate trades, starting lot size, if my account was $10,000, would be $2.00 to $5.00 per pip. - The EAs can open 4-5 levels (depending on currency pair and tactic used). - I do not use a set open amount of pips and my orders to do sit there waiting for the price - they chase it.I am not certain at the present levels that the small account I am testing on ( I have to test ...
"Just Oil"
Experienced Traders
Sep 07, 2012 at 11:39
Yah, it happenz ... sorry to hear dude .. I had 2 laptops and 1 notebook and 2 pcs go wrong .. only got 3 pcs, 2 laptops and 3 notebooks left .. not pads as yet haha.😄
Length of track record and managed accounts?
Experienced Traders
Sep 07, 2012 at 11:36
Nah mate, you ain't .. your just spamming us poor lil ole weak kneed pensioners with our purses under our beds awaiting your cruel devices .. Ohh you deville you haha..Oh the merrry merry month of spaaaaaaammmmmmmmMMMMMMMMM
Experienced Traders
Sep 07, 2012 at 11:33
There was speculation waiting for news from the ECB this weak on it's long term bailout package.It may fall to 1.24 in the shorter term though, after pull ing it's britches up to 1.27 hahaSo do not get carried away by bulls here .. we only know that the price will move over time lol :)
Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Sep 07, 2012 at 11:18
Ok, here are the first few trades - that have openned and closed .. since started typing thie above comment ( just the one above mentioning I was opening a new account for these) ..Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Profit1124377352 07/09/12 13:53 buy 0.05 usdchf 0.9572 0.9071 0.9594 07/09/12 13:56 0.9572 01124377360 07/09/12 13:53 buy 0.02 usdchf 0.9572 0.9071 0.9594 07/09/12 13:56 0.9572 01124372533 07/09/12 13:40 buy 0.05 usdchf 0.9574 0.9073 0.9596 07/09/12 13:50 0.9574 01124372560 07/09/12 13:40 buy 0.02 usdchf 0.9574 0.9073 0.9596 07/09/12 13:50 0.9575 0....
Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Sep 07, 2012 at 11:07
OK.... so I will put a bit of my money where my mouth is, so to speak ( for want of a better expression ) and have openned a new account and started trading it today ( Friday ) with 10 graphs running with 5 different versions, so about 2 on each.I am currently working on the one that makes 80 pips profits on one level - it should be a biggie haha.Here's the link to my copier account ...https://cabinet.instaforex.com/client/forexcopy/?q=monitoring_user&uid=2117996Sorry if you do not have a free account there, takes a few seconds ti open one.To show you I really don't care and a...
2-5% a day
Trading Systems
Sep 06, 2012 at 16:27
Whoops, guess I should add an account to this and let us see some results haha. My bad, will sort this out over the weekend.
Trading Systems
Sep 06, 2012 at 16:25
Run optimisation backtests to find values .. geeesh .. you would think this were rocket science and not simply adding values to see how it perdorms.MY advice .. change one at a time and go with the best combo of number of trades and lowest drawdown for rasonable amount of trading, then check against live trading on small live account for a few days and confirm results are the same, then tweak further. (The dump any pair that backtests show long term major losses) haha :)
Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Sep 06, 2012 at 16:20
And yes .. a lot of this advice .. should apply to any EA you are building or testing ... and yes .. if you buy an EA and if performs abismally in backtests .. well guess what .. THATS HOW IT PERFORMS .. in other works .. if the backtests show losses .. so will your forward trades ...HINT . One of the reasons FAPTURBO does well, is that they restrict the days of trading, I do not condon overally restricting during building and testing, but once you know it works, give yourself a breather .. take Friday off ok haha.
Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Sep 06, 2012 at 16:16
Ok,, so after a cup of Tea, I thought of a few other things that "helped me" along the way..16). Set your copier at whatever size of funds you want to risk on the strategy. ie 10 times for $1000. ( Yes, I set up "feeder" account with $100, not $25, as I am using using 4 currency pairs and restricting them to 25% of the funds, so they use $25 each and so 10 times would need $250 per pair, or $1000.17). Do not be tempted to increase by more to increase profits, it defeats th whole purpose of restricting and deciding on a certain amount of funds.18). Instaforex promise to fait...
Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Sep 06, 2012 at 15:48
Hi again,well some time has passed, still keeping on trying on new ideals, and on reading back, seems that a) at least one person here HAD cracked the martingale problem and b) someone appears to have ran with at least one of my crazy ideals and found that I was RIGHT . . ie, that by restricting levels you stop it simply blowing up your account.Well things have moved on, many mini accounts later, and reading back here, I see I missed something else, but discovered this on my own ... Here is the scene ...My 4-8 months backtests of my "adapted martingale" had max drawdown of 15-18%. W...
pamm account
Experienced Traders
Dec 23, 2010 at 18:39
Well, it's getting better, they have done a lot of work on their external format, it is not as comprehensive as this site of course for stats, but it's getting easier and makes sense now.For what it's worth (tuppence = $0.02 ;), here is my sillly account, which I am sad to say had a shacky start this week because of my own fault, switching my EAs on before funds had fully arrived, then playing about doing manual trading. The EAs do just fine on their own, I guess http://instaforex.com/pamm_monitoring.php?x=PQA&user=5004384It makes 2-5% per day if I just leave it alone, haha...
Use of martingale strategy
Experienced Traders
Dec 23, 2010 at 16:01
I have spent over 12 months perfecting martingales to trade safer and better with lower Drawdowns.Here then are my findings ...It is all about time-frames, indicators, money management and MDD and ADD drawdown, real vs test, leave them alone !!!a) Time-frames.The higher (ie, trade using EA on 1 hour not 1 minute!!! ) the time-frame, the slower and safer it is and the lower the drawdown.---------------------------------b). Indicators.If your indicator keep on re-loading every few seconds - it is missing a bit of code - dump it and use another !No matter how pretty it looks #;-o)))------------...
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