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Posts by forex_trader_17337
EA Programming Services
Mar 11, 2024 at 02:57
Please where are you guys?We have missed your excellent services.
MQL Programming Service
EA Programming Services
Nov 02, 2013 at 21:58
The worst so far. Not recommended
EA Programming Services
Nov 02, 2013 at 21:56
They are simply the best.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Aug 18, 2012 at 09:49
too bad we can't help finding haters in a forum like this and most of all these haters are no good to themselves.Any trader with just a little iq will read in between lines that "still testing" should go with a demo but maybe you are so dumb that you forgot you read that part.And also for the records, even with my demo, i am way better than you who have no real account verified but have junks of losing accounts and the 2 accounts that are said to be real stopped updating since 2011 and the other one has no track record verified. Thank GOD im honest enough to show the world im dem...
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Aug 18, 2012 at 09:35
Its not easy getting a good trading system for fx trading.I have a system that could make 30/70% in a year and still testing it but traders say that's so small a profit. I also have a 20pips hacker EA still testing and that looks good to make over 10% monthly still testing that too.https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexRefuge/20pips-hacker/349461My advice to traders is to see fx trading as every other business that needs time to nurture. Its a marathon and not a sprint.We should either trade with huge equity or have the patience to build small equity.As a signal provider, the best i can pr...
Trading Systems
Jul 26, 2012 at 00:36
All i asked for is a transparent record of real time trading and not your sarcastic response.I also have an EA im testing and all the details are made public and this is exactly what i demand and not your immature response.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
May 09, 2012 at 16:28
I don' know why some traders will purposely scheme ways to scam people.Anyway, i blame gullible traders for falling prey to these deciet.Any trader who is wiling to buy any EA should note these points.1. No one will sell out a profitable EA but can use it to managed accounts but not outright selling.2. Never trust any back testing result but monitor the EA activities by yourself for as long as you wish either by having direct access to that account using investor's password or monitoring on myfxbook with history, open positions, brokers name all made public.3.And tis is very important ...
Trading Systems
Apr 21, 2012 at 07:15
Trading Systems
Apr 20, 2012 at 15:33
Ok lets get this straightYou started this account on march 14 2012 and already reading over 24000% in profit and worse still, history and open trades are in private mode so what are you showing us?, a magical trade record or factual trade record.I am a signal provider and also a seasoned trader, i have newly developed EAs in test mode and any one who looks at the record will see how transparent it is.So my point is not about how many liscenses you are giving out but the reason why you made vital informations private.Make your EA trading activities more transparent and let us have honest overvi...
Trading Systems
Apr 20, 2012 at 12:19
AS Far as i can see, this EA should not be bought if all we are made to see is a private history amd open trades.Eas are meant to be monitored and vital info made public so do not be decieved by the jumbo profits you see.Plesae and please get me right, im not condeming this EA and im not saying its a scam EA but as long as these vital informations are kept private then i do not see any reason why anyone should buy this EA.And as i will always tell people, a profitable EA will never be sold out so get this and best of luck.
Trading Systems
Apr 19, 2012 at 01:04
As for me, there is nothing to monitor here. open Trades and history are mad private which makes no sense.
Trading Systems
Apr 18, 2012 at 20:19
what does any other person want to say about this no loss system.I think its a scam
Trading Systems
Apr 14, 2012 at 10:08
I don' know why some traders will purposely scheme ways to scam people.Anyway, i blame gullible traders for falling prey to these deciet.Any trader who is wiling to buy any EA should note these points.1. No one will sell out a profitable EA but can use it to managed accounts but not outright selling.2. Never trust any back testing result but monitor the EA activities by yourself for as long as you wish either by having direct access to that account using investor's password or monitoring on myfxbook with history, open positions, brokers name all made public.3.And tis is very important ...
T&D EA Arbitage ( scalping )
Trading Systems
Apr 14, 2012 at 09:13
Lets face it.An EA is a robot and it trades without emotions attached. Now this is one fact many people should know.Under same condition, a demo result will be the same as a real account result if a robot is used. It is in manual trading that we can see difference in results if demo and real due to emotions.Nevertheless, scalping EAs that go for 1pip or 5pips should better be tested on real account before making any conclusions as spread as well as slippage will always come in live trading. And i also do not like the idea of keeping private history record.
GeoForce (correct version)
Trading Systems
Apr 12, 2012 at 15:32
Lets face it.An EA is a robot and it trades without emotions attached. Now this is one fact many people should know.Under same condition, a demo result will be the same as a real account result if a robot is used. It is in manual trading that we can see difference in results if demo and real due to emotions.Nevertheless, scalping EAs that go for 1pip or 5pips should better be tested on real account before making any conclusions as spread as well as slippage will always come in live trading.Wishing you success
Trading Systems
Apr 11, 2012 at 12:35
There is something sinister about this account and EA. Though it has recorded a very high DD but asides that, the profit made on GU looks unrealistic having so many green and no loss ionce in a while.I would appreciate if he can maje the open positions public for at least a week.
100 Pips Daily Set & Forget
Expert Advisors
Jan 22, 2012 at 23:07
https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexRefuge/mt4-8805076/217843https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexRefuge/mt4-8797983/217844https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexRefuge/mt4-8825729/226798Still testing.You are right, discipline is all it takes and that is where the problem lies.Only Automation using Eas can guarantee 100% discipline.
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Experienced Traders
Dec 20, 2011 at 18:14
Hi winsor,I have been following your posts for some time and i must say for sure that you are doing a great job on your EAs.Nevertheless, the fact remains that total transparency can and should never be taking with levity expecially as a fund manager.Withdrawal of funds is not an excuse for making an account private.The point remains that here you have different EAs and there is no big deal if there is any huge loss in one of the EAs as fx is very dynamic and no one expects a holy grail system.i have been working on my EAs and still testing but one fact is that traders in my room have been car...
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Experienced Traders
Nov 18, 2011 at 07:28
You are right LincIt will be very transparent if the account can still be allowed to run as withdrawal of funds is not a big deal. The records will simply show that and the EA still continues to run the account with adjusted lot size to reflect new equity.The truth is that trading fx with EA remains the best way to go but we all must be sincere enough to carry people along.I had to go back to the drawing board to finetune my EA after experiencing a drawdown that is not so good. I will be running it on another set of live accounts soon.Winsor you are doing a great work but we want you to know t...
Trading Systems
Jul 14, 2011 at 17:13
Thanks man. Though i am still observing how profitable it will be in three months from now.It will be too early to conclude but i will keep my fingers crossed and see how the EA will perform months from now.Thanks once again for the encouragement.
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